
These are pretty cool and all, but you successfully rendered the entire thing invalid with your headline. And to think I actually LIKED you.

Haha, this is pretty awesome. The little kid yelling, "That's not true!" is amazing. I think he's about the same age as Luke and Anakin act.

I don't even necessarily disagree with what you're saying in general, but the way you're taking it out on Jordan and this article is just out of nowhere. I don't get the feeling he's being self-righteous, I never felt he was being pretentious or mocking, and nowhere did he even start to claim that anything he wrote

Quotation marks usually denote quotes, not mockery. Blasphemy being in quotation marks meant (or as I took it) that it was blasphemy to Malmberg, but not to Jordan. And actually, you can choose to extend patient to any number of things without feeling they're trying or tiresome. If he felt Malmberg was just wrong, and

Dear Lord, I was kidding! Lighten up peeps!

No opinion forcing was made, it was basically a joke (though I truly don't care for PSY).

That is hilarious and unfortunate.

The models in this game look great, but concept art always (or almost always) looks better.

Did just the cover image look wrong to anybody else? Before I noticed her Aperture shirt (yes, I open all articles without reading the titles), it looked like she had a weirdly-arcing stream of water coming from her bum.

I'm with them on this one, as long as it keeps this stuff off the air.

Why was this castigation deserved exactly? You have yet to point that out. You've mentioned something about him not being humble and being self-righteous, but not what part of the article implied that.

I don't assume you never were, just that you aren't now. You've said as much in previous replies to me on other topics.

Jordan never said anything about a special gift or insight, that's you reading your own prejudices into it. And while you didn't explicitly say you spoke for the majority, you used the word "we" almost exclusively, which implies more than just you.

That would be rude.

Your own statement is hypocritical, because the hubris you're accusing Jordan of is in your post. What makes you speak for the majority of non-Christians? I've seen several other extremely polite atheist and agnostic posts, so clearly you do not. Unless you've taken a poll of everyone on the Internet that came up with

Don't ponder too much over this guy, he's already flagrantly insulted anyone who's a Christian. It was an article that needed to be seen.

Despite the sarcasm and criticism you'll get from this, it's nice to see a fellow Christian gamer getting something published on here. Hopefully some people will get that we're not all the same! Well done buddy.

I think MI3 was my favorite, so it makes me sad he doesn't love it. But I would still play the everliving crap out of anything he made, Monkey Island or not.

WTF. Australia sounds terrifying. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference, so I would just flame them all. The scariest spiders here are the medium-sized super fast ones. Who knows/cares if they're aggressive? Some of them melt your skin, so that's good enough for me.