
I'm doubting it was a legit resign, I think he was probably "asked" to.

It may be the lowest form of wait to those who dislike it, but I like to think I'm plenty witty. So wait, is that why I can't make new friends? :(

Definitely happy, check the comments here, Polygon, Twitter...anywhere really. It's sad.

First off, rude. Second, yes, it was not an intelligent thing for him to do.

I agree that it was not smart of him to not expect any fallout.

Honestly, not a fan of DRM in general. But my not being a fan is not going to stop it from happening. So the next console is always-on? I can count on my hand the number of times I've played my Xbox not connected to the Internet, including the times where I lived in SpottyConnectionVille, USA. I'm sure they will have

Really? The space marine/sexist/racist complaint COMBINED?

I really wish I knew more people like you online. I love to have constructive conversations about stuff, but it ends up turning into a raging flamefest for the tiniest things. It's really discouraging.

Did I say that negates them in ANY way? Nope. Living in a town no one has heard of is nothing shameful. I do. I find the last part of your statement especially compelling.

Perspective is something rarely found in these parts. :(

Of course they are. If another Microsoft employee said "Our next console will require an Internet connection. Apologies to those who do not have a connection." there would be a massive flamestorm. The Internet is a vast and soulless space, and even rational, logical statements will be flamed and mocked. It's like Rule

Yeah, I never said it was professional. It definitely wasn't a smart call. But I don't think it was worth all this either.

He did resign, but I imagine it wasn't his choice. Which basically ends up being the same thing.

He "resigned", but I'm imagining it was a "resign or be fired" situation. I doubt it would have happened otherwise.

I defer to your experience, having never had this be an issue with any friends or employers. That's really a shame.

No, as a creative director at Microsoft, his job is to lead his team in concept, layout, and design. Not to listen and address concerns from customers. He can do research on what customers THINK, and try to build that in, but it's not in the description.

He was talking about the article that commented on the rumor though, not stating a fact. If people are going to jump on in instead of figuring out what he's talking about, that is not his fault.

I didn't say begging on the street, but jobs aren't a dime a dozen nowadays.

I just never saw it as making anything look bad. Even IF the next console is always-on, who's it making look bad? Because he was snarky about a few towns no one has heard of until this whole thing? People should toughen up.

But what gets me is that it was all circumstantial. He was commenting on an article that had the RUMOR of the next Xbox having always-on, between another friend, and the masses brought the negative publicity.