I know lots of people go through this every day, but hopefully most people don't have a ton of people celebrating because it happens. That's what makes this unique.
I know lots of people go through this every day, but hopefully most people don't have a ton of people celebrating because it happens. That's what makes this unique.
Ok, the first thing I'll point out the irony in that the people outraged a console requires Internet, track down this guy on the Internet and get mad at him. C'mon.
It would take a lot more than four. I just moved from living in a rural area for 6 years. Stuff was definitely spotty. I still would have thought those tweets were amusing, because I have a sense of humor.
Except for the fact that he was kidding, I would agree with you. If his tweet history was full of him calling gamers morons and losers, yes, he's not the brightest. But it's not. He's a snarky joker. If he was in PR, not a good idea. but he's not.
Really? You got all of that out of those, what, four tweets? Yeah we sure know him well now!
Yes, I never said it was a GOOD idea, but it wasn't criminal. His job is not to advertise the Xbox or represent Microsoft. He's not PR, he's a developer. He has no actual interaction with customers, and no say in the actual outcome of this argument. He was being snarky, and he got canned for it.
Sarcasm can BE a personality you know. He's a (was) creative direction, not a public relations specialist. If he wants to be snarky to his friends on Twitter, it's nobody's business. Nobody forced anybody to read his tweets and get indignant about it.
And the amount of people I see actually happy that someone lost their livlihood over this astounds me. A couple tweets does not a bad man make. Even if you were insulted, why would you want someone to lose their actual job over it?
I really don't think this guy should have been fired over this. He was obviously being sarcastic and snarky with the city comments (I identify heavily with sarcasm), and while he should have clarified more that he was kidding, losing his job over it just seems a little much.
The Lara one is excellent. I'm going to pretend she JUST shot someone so her finger doesn't bother me.
I'm really tired of the entire culture mocking and hating "dude-bros". I play almost every game (besides sports and racing) I can, and I also happen to really enjoy Halo and Call of Duty. I don't see anything wrong with that, and I'm able to appreciate different games on their own merits, not based on how I feel about…
Herp derp, I'll do some math and write an entire article about an incredibly moot point because I didn't pay attention/play the game! /sigh
Oh Japan. So delightfully quirky.
I couldn't disagree more with this, but doing a blow-by-blow would take way more time than I want to devote right now.
This is ridiculous. Bioshock has been playing the same since the first one. You drilled people in the face. Besides that original, jarring skyhook kill, you never need to use it again. I didn't even know you could execute until the game told me you could about halfway through. People up in arms over this are having…
I wanted to do that too, though honestly I could make my team just Donnel right now and I'd be surprised if anyone could touch him.
Your insight was not welcome! I wanted to be an ignorant admirer!
So tearing our clothes and ashes on the head it is?
How do you know when someone's comment is recommended?
Apparently not a double post! This comment system makes me weep.