
OR, you could have just let me be blissfully ignorant on how pretty it looked! :(

Haha, yep! That's exactly how it was.

Oh I totally get why they did it, and it's a cool way to throw whatever storytelling you want in there. But with no more objectives to complete, collecting new class-types and leveling up my party just seems...pointless? I guess that'd be the word I would choose.

This is making me too sad. Monkey Island and Fate of Atlantis will always remind me of amazing times during my childhood. I played all of these, but those two were special.

In most of the Star Wars games you had "energy cells" that are basically ammo clips.

Edit: Double post, mobile ftl!

Slightly off-topic, but I'm a bit disappointed that this game had like...a proper ending. And by that, I mean that it ENDED, gave a prologue, let you know about all the characters, and then rolled the credits. It kind of sucked away the drive I had to roll through the DLC, all of which I had already bought.

That's an impressive amount of sky, clouds, distance, and land to render in a part of the game that makes you want to rush forward and open the next door a few feet away. Moar Columbia plz.

Apparently the Internet consensus is "NO ONE needs to play Bioshock 2, trololol", because apparently it was a "cash-in". Personally, I enjoyed it very much, almost as much as the first, and gameplay-wise, it introduced a lot of improvements over the first which are utilized in Infinite. It's not necessary to

The annotation bubbles just make it look like it says "Fine" now, I didn't know if Luke meant they looked fine, or if he was pissed and just went FINE.

I worked at EB Games shortly before the "merger". Funnily enough, I also left because the DM thought I needed some eyes on me around the merchandise.

Hey! His name is like my name! Harder than you'd think to find more Garrett's out there. I never played any of the earlier Thief games, but this one sounds pretty sweet so far.

Wait...why is there a word for this? Isn't that just a personality type?

This is fantastic. His slight smirk makes it all.

I love him, but he was way underused. I was expecting him to show up half the time, and he never did. They actually didn't explain too well why he wasn't catching up to you most of the time, but everything was too awesome for me to dwell on it. Fingers crossed on that DLC.

I think that was just him existing wherever that tear opened up to. It was clearly still Columbia, so he was probably close to where she popped it open. I didn't get the impression they meant for us to think he could move around willy-nilly like that.

I don't know what that means. :(

Also that anime chick on the phone bed looks none too pleased. These are actually all really great things so far. Way better than the ones we've got.

Anyone else noticing April Fools has become less of a "gotcha!" day, and more of a "look at all these sweet things that will never actually exist suckers!" day?

Those look extremely painful. I know on my glasses, if those nose pads aren't set just right you get pretty freaking sore by the end of the day. Hope those metal rods aren't as stiff as they look.