#1. I’m not upset.
#1. I’m not upset.
I only meant that it’s strange that there are so many equating the shoe controversy to anti-Christian backlash, but Christian’s weren’t demanding the censorship of the video. They may not have liked it but very few were saying it should be pulled. The shoes weren’t pulled for being anti-Christian despite the narrative…
If that’s true there would have been an outcry when he first started working at Jeopardy. Save your righteous indignation for some idiot who actually buys into that bullshit lie.
If his past is sooooo outrageous why weren’t people complaining years ago about it? Nobody said a word when he started working at Jeopardy. It only became an issue when he decided to step in front of the camera? And it’s extremely telling to see the majority of comments follow up why he shouldn’t be host with reasons…
Let the story die already, jesus. Nobody cares about Mike Richards. They were just pissed because Levar Burton didn’t win the spot. I guarantee most of those who are now feigning outrage don’t watch the fucking show to begin with.
Nobody banned his video. it wasn’t pulled for being anti-Christian. The shoes weren’t pulled for critiquing Christianity. The shoes were pulled because they weren’t Nas’s to use for free publicity.
He was sued for breaking the law, not critiquing Christianity. Nobody pulled the video. They pulled the shoes because he had no right to publicize his own shit with Nikes.
The Wachowski’s definitely need an editor to keep them in check. I firmly believe the original Matrix film was only as popular as it was because they blatantly stole material from good sources, (Ghost in the Shell & The Invisibles). Whenever they’re left to their own devices we get films that run an hour too long,…
False equivalency. It wasn’t the blood that got Lil Nas X in trouble so much as it was the fact that he didn’t have the company’s permission to use their products for his own personal publicity. I mean would it be fair for me to start selling knockoff The Root t-shirts supporting my personal religious beliefs on them? …
If I was racist I’d have long ago stooped to the same level of personally directed bigotry as the triggered bitches trying so desperately to tell me what I’m REALLY trying to say. Stay thirsty my friends. It’s adorable.
Thank God we have fine upstanding white knight SJW triggered cucks like you to ridicule or we’d get bored of pointing out the bigotry here!
Jezebel? Where you tell women how they’re allowed to act because as a man you are the ACTUAL expert on feminism?
Says the bigot who can’t stand white people.
So the men telling white women they can’t be feminists are now lecturing me on bigotry. Wow. If it wasn’t so hilarious it would be kind of sad.
You didn’t read that comment section and you don’t know what you’re talking about. Darius is a guy telling white women they are not allowed to be a part of the feminist movement because they aren’t marginalized enough. A MAN TELLING WOMEN THEY CAN”T BE FEMINISTS>
You are one mad triggered bitch.
You are one mad triggered bitch.
You know me so well.
You’re welcome, bigot. Tell us, where did the big ugly white person touch you? You can show us on this doll here.