grey ayanami

I mean, the movie only covers the story already covered in the existing anime?  You might have a point if we are talking about the sequel but I think you’re just splitting hairs here.

No. I said nothing defending his comments.

Luckily Kotaku has recast all fragile white male tears with LGBTQ/PoC tears so you’re safe here.

The Ruroni Kenshin series of films is pretty decent.  Western versions?  I’d have to say Speed Racer and Alita: Battle Angel were okay too.  Blade of the Immortal maybe?

Not even 5-10 years ago a rapper could brag about murdering people, selling drugs, pimping, all laced with some of the most vile homophobia and sexism the world has ever heard and they would face zero backlash. Hell, sometimes they’d name a city street after you.  I mean we still celebrate a number of admitted violent

Is this what the struggle is for?

Unless of course that character is white washed.  Then everybody loses their shit.

These are the same people who were upset that the Major, a completely synthetic human, wasn’t played by an Asian woman.  We live in strange times.  Identity means more than integrity and pandering buys good will.

This looks like one of those low budget live action anime remakes where they play up the goofiest anime tropes for laughs and we’re left wondering 5 minutes in why we aren’t just watching the original series over again instead of wasting time on a version that looks like it’s being put on by a highschool drama club.

Yagyu Clan Conspiracy.

How about Levar Burton and Brendan Fraser vs. Nathan Fillion and Keanu Reeves. And at least two of them are double agents.  With a cameo from the ghost of Mr. Rogers.

I mean, he’s a streamer now, but admittedly, I don’t know the guy.  Haven’t ever watched him so in this instance maybe it doesn’t apply.   Thanks.

I’m not arguing the merits of his specific case, only attempting to point out the silliness of the ‘controversy’ as apparently there’s this false idea that there’s some kind of unwritten integrity clause on Twitch. People who depend on popularity for their income are inclined to cater their personas to become more

thanks for the clarification.

It’s strange to me how ‘cancelling’ Mike Richards has seemingly gotten 10x the press that Trebek’s passing did?

Actors make fun of the physical characteristics of their costars every single day. This wasn’t someone in an office setting making fun of the lady in the next cubicle for being fat this was the comedy writer of fictional characters suggesting dialogue well within the bounds of the same exact style humor already seen in

What percentage of these are straight up trolling? <says the grey troll>

about. fucken. time. 

Jones is now 48 years old and the community outreach director for Orleans Public Defenders.”

Jim, you’re six eleven and you weigh ninety pounds, Gumby has a better body than you. Boom roasted. Dwight, you’re a kiss-ass. Boom roasted. Pam, you failed art school, boom roasted. Meredith, you’ve slept with so many guys you’re starting to look like one. Boom roasted. Kevin, I can’t decide between a fat joke or a