grey ayanami

Is every What If? about heroes swapping roles?

(someone watched Mank recently)

I think the ones who were exploited were the American taxpayers who bought a war on terror as we rallied around the flag to the tune of $2.26 trillion only for the country we occupied for 20 years to devolve into chaos minutes after we leave.

Anybody else left thinking about that scene from the Office?

No, absolutely not. You are trying to put words in my mouth. Of course the voices of Muslim women, those directly affected, should be front and center.

You’re right. How dare women have the autonomy to decide how their bodies are portrayed!  

No offense but it absolutely is a codependent relationship. If the media didn’t cover sports that means they’re not on television and no tickets are sold and nobody knows who the athletes are in the first place. The media doesn’t HAVE to cover her just like she doesn’t HAVE to answer their questions.  Hell the media

itewhay eoplepay alreadyyay avehay ouryay ownyay ecretsay anguagelay. 

If ever there was a moment for monied, powerful white feminists to stand to the side and allow for Afghan and Muslim women to direct the narrative and guide the future of aid, this is it.”

If it’s any consolation, as a white person, I regularly forego medical treatment, especially dental, because American Health Insurance is virtually useless. I’d honestly rather die than to go completely bankrupt and spend the rest of my life in debt because of an ambulance ride and a couple Tylenols.

How bad is it that I want this to be made up just to shut up the holier-than-thou jagoffs in these comments?

Now playing

There is only one acceptable cover of this song.

Should America occupy Afghanistan? No. Absolutely not.

I give it 3 days before we see an article on The Root about how teenage white girls are co-opting Tut on Tik-Tok.

Probably not even worth mentioning but for the fact that Kotaku regularly chastises commenters with holier-than-thou rhetoric about objectifying women.

nothing lasts forever.