Siblings can have very different experiences of their shared parents even if they all lived under one roof. As much as parents try, they do treat each child differently. It doesn’t make any one sibling’s memory right or wrong.
Siblings can have very different experiences of their shared parents even if they all lived under one roof. As much as parents try, they do treat each child differently. It doesn’t make any one sibling’s memory right or wrong.
Tonight, while hanging out in a pub in New York, listening to an endless stream of Bowie on the jukebox, everyone was swapping stories. One of the bartenders swears this was true and he saw it with his own eyes: He was down in the village and in a novelty store that happened to have in its front window T-shirts…
I’m a ER doc. First - the RN gives the med, not the MD. MD writes the order, RN gives it. So no, he couldn’t have ‘slipped’ her something else. Second, I have given one hell of a lot of morphine in my day, and never gotten someone incapacitated to the point that she seems to be describing (not without causing severe…
Do you think that contracts/confessions/etc that are signed under duress are still legally binding/valid? That’s coercion. If you get mugged by someone who you’re not sure is armed — say someone taller, bigger, possibly stronger approaches you on the street and says to hand over your wallet, or else they’ll come after…
Actually, and this is going to sound harsh, but I was more concerned with my feelings. I wasn’t going to carry that around for the rest of my life.
I usually agree with, support, and enjoy Jez outrage. I stand with Caitlyn too, but I don’t get this one. If these jokes had been told by Amy Schumer, I suspect no one here would be making any noise about it. But I could be wrong.
The problem is that a comedian should not host the golden globes. No one can take a joke. Everyone wants him to be simultaneously more funny and less offensive. We should see if we can get that north korean reporter in the pink to just read the results for you people.
I'm the youngest of three—one is seven years older than me, and one is four years older. This gap is significant, especially at a younger age. I was never at the same developmental stage as my oldest sibling until I had exited high school. They both denied my existence all the time when I was young, because that's…
Seriously! I have 4 brothers. We managed to convince the youngest that he was adopted for several days. It's what siblings do.
Question: do you have siblings? I am the youngest of three (two older brothers) and I’m pretty sure I heard/felt this from them until about age 25. I don’t think it’s that uncommon...especially between siblings of different sexes.
The embryo was the daughter’s and herhusband’s. No mixing of genes, so no incest.
Boy, you sure missed the point.
Really? It read more like “I refuse to even think about the words you wrote so I’ll disputed them by calling it nonsense.” When it very clearly was not nonsense. The most confusing part might be distinguishing that the numbers were simply organizing the tweets and not themselves separate points.
You are the hero we do not deserve but will gladly accept.
I mean, I’m pushing 40 and I understood it. I may think current slang is kind of dumb, but it takes so little effort to actually understand it. I’d go so far as to say this whole “wow i just can’t understand what you’re saying” thing is a cute new affectation to prove something about oneself, but then I remembered how…
“It would be more useful to compare a one-to-one example, even if hypothetical, as opposed to Gayle’s. The simple truth is that you’re ignoring the broad context of how women are systematically treated with much harsher beauty standards than men and are much more likely to be discriminated against in nearly all areas.…
Can we call it a “dude fight” if one of the men involved is actually saying some pretty awesome stuff in support of all manner of people who do not qualify as dudes?
If a guy could get pregnant by giving himself head, Piers Morgan would be the resulting child.
So, wait - the guy that wants to ban the world’s largest religion from entering a country is mad because he might not be able to enter a country? Damn, irony, you nasty.