Not as GREY as I look

So lawyers shouldn’t defend people they know are guilty?

A woman who drinks herself stupid and cries because her kids are perfectly happy is a shite excuse for a mother.

That’s what I was thinking. My husband and I went there on vacation last year, and we saw countless women in niqabs trying on Jimmy Choos and carrying pricey designer bags.

As a woman with an abaya and head covering hanging in my laundry room due to work travel to Saudi Arabia, it’s okay to talk about the versatility and convenience of a garment that puts a layer of lose, sleek polish over top of WHATEVER is underneath (a woman dressed to the nines or a woman straight from the garden)

I went to Dubai in October and I was blown away by the fashion! Even in the most traditional garb, I saw ladies everywhere in super high-end clothing. When I visited the malls, one thing I loved was that even in the luxury stores, I wasn’t treated like “less than” like I would in the US. I normally avoid stores like

The Saudification of Islamic practice is a problem even in Muslim countries - I’ve lived in Sudan as well, and plenty of people opt for the regional traditional clothes (thoub), which are a lot less covering and restrictive than an abaya, and developed as a fashion naturally from the particular climate and

Oh my gosh, the ignorance, it bleeds through your comment. You need to travel more. Fyi, there really arent that many Muslims in Saudi Arabia, most Muslims are from places like Indonesia, India, pakistan, Nigeria etc, there are the same number of muslims in China as there are in Saudi Arabia. Also if you knew anything

60% of university students in Saudi are women, but you’d know that if you actually did your research. And let’s not even talk about all the women who wear abayas and hijabs outside of the country of Saudi Arabia - without any of the restrictions that you believe exist in the Arab world...

I in general is optional only for a few, but that doesn’t stop people from wanting to talk about it?

I lived in Dubai and Oman when I was younger and yes, Arab women are super fly and love their fashion. They are not an “ignored” market by any means even though D&G just now realized they exist.

1) Truth! I always loved going to ladies’ events in the UAE/Oman because everyone looked super glamorous with no dudes around.

Not at all, they just have separate Arab and Western markets. There’s obviously always been a ton of crossover as well as a massive market for fancy abayas, so it’s odd how the article phrased it like this demographic was ignored until D&G discovered it.

Arab women love their designers. The malls in Dubai are ridiculous, and filled with women buying high-end clothing, accessories, cosmetics. (Oh, and if you’re ever in Dubai, visit the gold market. It’s STUNNING.)

Ignored? Apparently nobody here has ever been to a mall in Dubai. There is a *huge* high-end designer market for Muslim women outside the West.

I'm resigned to seeing it with the sixth replacement cast, when Ashton Kutcher is playing the lead.

I think her creep ass ex boyfriend and brother had something to do with her murder, but that the cops planted evidence to solidify their case against Steven. I never understood the people who said that accusing the cops of tampering with evidence meant that we were accusing the cops of murder.

Thank you. People keep conflating the two, along with the idea that planted evidence = cops killed her and framed him.

Man, let me just tell you, from the outside the entirety of the rest of the world thinks you Americans are really fucking stupid when it comes to guns & lack of controls.

Thank you. It’s nice to hear from regular gun owners who are also just plain old neighbors.

I just learned about a fun loophole in gun control rules that explains the increase in man power: in some states, if the background check takes longer than 3 days to complete, the buyer gets the gun regardless of what the ultimate findings are.