Don't fuck Florida. They will procreate.
Don't fuck Florida. They will procreate.
One of them was attacked for making a bad joke.
Yikes, terrible article! Extreme projection.. extreme Black feminism.. extreme “believe all women!”
That “The Spice” thing that everyone who’s read Dune keeps going on about? One of the reasons it’s as valuable in the fictional universe as it is is it extends lifespan, up to a factor of about three. Thus, you could argue from canon for the woman playing Jessica to be eight years older then the guy playing…
Thoughts and prayers might be in order but no more.
While I’m also not one to promote violence, if she experienced some sudden-onset ass pain I wouldn’t investigate the cause.
When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.…
You’re also pouring nearly boiling water in each fresh cup, so a lot of the residue dissolves again immediately. If you’re using it regularly, there won’t be enough truly old residue left in the mug to affect anything.
If you leave half a cup on the shelf for a week, then maybe think about washing it.
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.
It does seem like they should be able to just convert the remaining time to the equivalent amount of community service for all non-violent prisoners. Picking up garbage along the freeway or cleaning public toilets will be just as much punishment as prison for Mossimo.
I get that they’re all shitheads, but I honestly have no fucking idea who this inbreds are.
There is always a knee-jerk attack against people who don’t join the hive mind on issues like this. I think J.K. Rowling’s attitude on the subject is hurtful and troubling, however that’s not all that she is. Turning people into caricatures because they disagree isn’t right. I’m certainly not famous or wealthy, but I…
buddy if it’s one thing i’ve learned about cocaine addicts over the years it’s that they don’t mind doing it alone in the house.
she didn’t just identify as a transvestite, she was an executive transvestite.
I will never understand the idea that its ok to harass and abuse public figures just because they are public figures. Especially for stuff they did literally decades ago that didn’t hurt anyone but their own domestic unit. Like I’d get it if like, Idi Amin had a Twitter account and people were attacking that dude…
There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.
Don’t you worry your pretty little head, us gays of color have shade lasers that can evaporate this troll. That, or whatever supply of dick he thought he would get riding on top of Trump’s orange nubbin.