Assuming they are competently managing their finances, I doubt that will be an issue. They seem to be a hit in my part of the country.
Assuming they are competently managing their finances, I doubt that will be an issue. They seem to be a hit in my part of the country.
Did you miss the part where they said he had become violent? Something about this definitely seems off, though.
If a person willy nilly eats something fried that was put out at a party without asking, that’s on them.
That’s scary. I had a similar incident happen last year in Lake Michigan. I was standing in 2 feet of water and woke up to my friends pulling me up out of the water and choking and coughing out a lung full of water. Scared the hell out of me.
Most “blue” states are actually very red outside of major metropolitan areas. The cities just have the numbers to carry the state.
Could you be more specific?
Cool. Now give us the Fondor haulcraft.
Waiting on the pr0n.
Wait, I thought Greene was a horse.
I’m curious about the motivation to move operations to Alabama in the first place. Colorado has a well established aerospace industry and infrastructure and it just seems like the logical place to be. Does Alabama have some logistical advantages I’m not aware of?
Someone should let him know that trans people also like to breath air.
*Pushes glasses further up on nose* But the Prana Bindu training she received as one of the Bene Gesserit allows her immense control over her biological processes, including aging. Also, their powers are not psychic in nature at all. The Voice is more of an extreme psychological manipulation and the prescient…
The Bene Gesserit have immense control over their biological processes, including aging. That combined with a drug that slows aging makes this actually fit well within the context of the story.
Army vet here. I’ve been out for 24 years and honestly don’t know where I picked it up but I just rinse and set on the counter to dry. Nothing gross is gonna grow on it.
it’s not going to increase your cardio fitness
Super Bowl XXXVI was not the halftime incident. That was 2 years later. Janet backed out of this one due travel concerns after 9/11.
My thoughts exactly. If it was purely racial, why would she have offered the money in the first place. Something about her is definitely off.
I think it’s akin to turning the radio down so you can ‘see’ where your driving better. Everyone is muffled when wearing masks and you subconsciously think you can hear better without it, lol.