
Her home planet was already destroyed.

That episode and Black Mirror’s “San Junipero” were two of the best romance stories in recent years. Not best “gay romance” just “romance” in general. As much as part of me would want to see more of those characters, I agree that there is no need for more, it was perfect as is.

No one sets out to make a bad game? Takeshi no Chōsenjō has something to say about that...

Your tuner may have been a privateer in another life?

Seems like they reasonably would if they happen to mean biologically. Maybe splitting hairs and saying they are not real “males” instead of “men” in that they do have Y chromosomes would sound better, but it’s not like ONE person’s definition of man/woman can be correct and another wrong, given the many different

That’s the most ridiculous reason to not watch a show. Really? Tendrils instead of spores? Oh, my suspension of disbelief is ruined! Sad.

I haven’t played the game yet, but I’m happy with the relationship so far. I find it easy to tell somehow that their relationship has developed off screen in some ways. I’m not sure exactly what helps that come across, but it does.  It skips a few steps that are shown so often in stories that it’s become boring, which

I worked in a comic book store for about 20 years, and at least once, some kid went to the back corner of the store and pooped right on the floor.

There’s a difference between thinking and doing though. Someone can believe all the stupid crap they want and that’s not really a problem for anyone but them. When they put it out into the world, there are consequences. I do think it’s sometimes ridiculous not to separate a creation from its creator, but I can’t blame

Blind Prophet - essentially calls poster stupid, replies with much lower intelligence. Of COURSE there are moves toward eliminating scarcity - it’s not like he was saying we’re almost there. You really can’t see how much is available to so many? Some things get more scarce, but a lot more things are a lot more

You’re such a scumbag. You are the reason the world is not a good place. You. Your fault. Please die.

Resorting to lying and ad hominem attacks rather than admitting you’re wrong? Yeah, you’re the jerk here.

So you agree with the prosecution that “sometimes you just have to take a beating” and hope the beating won’t kill you? Sounds ridiculous to me. He fired on two people who were assaulting him and one armed assailant. Real life isn’t the movies where attacking someone hand-to-hand can only end in unconsciousness. From

That’s actually all false (I thought this too, then I actually watched the trial and understood the facts. It turned out I was getting my information from CNN, which is no better than FOX in terms of actual reporting/truth). There was nothing illegal about his firearm and he didn’t cross state lines with one. Made up “

I think he is bad at English and meant to say that the article is biased and is drinking the PS2 Kool-Aid. I hope for the poster’s sake that English is not their first language. Shameful if it is - learn a language before posting.

Then Hitler wins! Not a good idea to pretend evil never existed. Not being able to portray Nazis as the bad guys just helps the neo-Nazis feel legitimized. “They can’t come up with good arguments against what we stand for so they have to ban/censor it!” In America, Nazis can have a parade if they want, and we can all

If someone at Blizzard murdered an employee, I guess they’d just get rid of all the violence in the game... Great way to bring down a company if they’re this blind about the differences between real life and a game.

What if he said, “Babies should not be murdered” instead? Boycott that scumbag? I don’t agree with him either, but often the whole abortion issue revolves around where somebody thinks an actual human life is defined, something that nobody can know for sure. Is it that abhorrent to be against killing children when

It’s “pore” not “pour.

I think you mean Watson, not Deep Blue.