I’m sure you hate Israel as well.
I’m sure you hate Israel as well.
Have Kotaku staff been instructed to not talk about Indiefoxx sticking a mic into her butt while wearing yoga pants and farting? Cause that’s what got her banned, for three days.
It’s not dancing, it’s spasming for 5 seconds for a loop, then call it culture and somehow imagine no one ever did it before in all of history
I notice this article failed to mention Indiefoxx literally sticking the mic between her ass cheeks and farting
Her mama is a liar and a scammer. This was all exposed immediately? Like really this is the story y’all are telling? The court docs are out there. I can’t say I’m surprised.
Best example is one that everybody’s heard of, NYT bestseller ‘White Fragility’ by Robin DiAngelo. I don’t know if you’ve read it. I have. It continually positions blacks as having no agency in their own lives. To be black, according to DiAngelo, is to be eternally buffeted around by the winds of systemic oppression.…
Lot of snooty comments here from a bunch of people who couldn’t explain what Hill was talking about if their lives depended on it.
The article tried as hard as it could to imply, allude and insinuate that the departure must be tied to a scandal. In my opinion.
To the troll:
I have a feeling a whole lot of students will suddenly be interested in what teachers would be calling, “stories we’re ‘not allowed’ to teach.”
Oh Michael, you’re my favorite racist.
Dismiss the “costanza” troll, there’s nothing of any worth there.
Fix Kinja, replace it, or shut this shit down.
So many triggered racists. Die mad about everything, losers.
America’s refusal to lance the 120+ year old festering wound is what’s going to be the thing that ‘cancels’ it. By the time that the infection gets close to bringing it down, you are going to see some of these same idiots wishing that they had just taken the steps to go “We fucked up, sorry ya’ll” and move forward.
It’s just a pissbaby troll, don’t bother.
Juan - none of the violence that you whine about rises to the level of systemic or deadly violence. Racism requires power. Barack Obama can be racist, but the average black American can not, just by the very definition of racism.