Appropriating Greek culture. Typical.
Appropriating Greek culture. Typical.
What is WD’s liability for this?
Wait, I didn’t think police were allowed to kill white suspects. Are you sure they didn’t just take him to Dairy Queen? I’m confused.
So if EVERYTHING is racist, won’t any advances in systemic equality just be undone by the inherent racism of those making the changes? Given that one of the main tenets of CRT is that race is a manufactured identity, not biological, it follows that whatever race gains enough power to change social and governmental…
I understand that to black people, patriotism is a bad word. To black people, white supremacy is baked into the foundational DNA of our Democracy. We get it. Black people hate The United States of America. Every article is the same. Condemnation after condemnation and NEVER a suggestion on how to fix it. I would bet…
I would never attack someone from the military... proceeds to attack soldiers and the military for 5 paragraphs...
Because it’s easy to rile up your base of readers with their absolute ridiculousness. Tucker and Candace are living breathing caricatures.
It cracks me up that ravenous and entitled fans apply as much pressure as possible on developers to release their products as soon as humanly possible and then turn around and have the audacity to bitch and moan because the product they demanded NOW(!) doesn’t live up to their expectations.
I love you too buddy. Does me contributing to the Root’s revenue count as reparations?
Okay, what does that have to do with the point? The idea I’m criticizing is that black people had it worse than American Indians. This is not true. The rest is just you spouting whataboutisms. Nobody said Blacks haven’t suffered.
Because Trump has been hiding out for the most part?
dismiss cgo2370 he is a limp dicked cuckold stalker and a troll himself.
You mean like CRT ignores facts in deference to stories and narrative?
She keeps this up they’re gonna need to change WetAssPussy to WornOutPussy.