juan nothing

One is meant as a caricature and a derogatory representation the other is meant as a tribute. Slight difference. TikTok’s entire culture is one of appropriation, that’s how memes become viral. If these young girls had ill intent it’d be one thing. But they don’t. They like the dances, they want to do the dances, (the

Can’t believe nobody has beat me to it...

That’s like calling me a genocidal murderer if I cut in line in front of you. Pretending that every microaggression is slavery and colonization actively belittles the definition of those words until they are essentially worthless.

Black on Asian hate crimes are black news. In the same exact fashion that I as a white person should acknowledge my privilege and strive to learn the history of the evils inflicted by white people on blacks and in doing so disrupt my place in the propagation of white supremacy, so too should black people acknowledge

Totally not the same thing. One is the boy who cried wolf and one is a derogatory slur.  And for the record, yes I oppose blaming Asians for Covid.  It’s stupid racist bullshit and if somebody used that term in front of me I’d call them out on it.  Speaking of, don’t you think it’s funny how The Root and most major

From jump there are major issues with this article. Slavery has been around since before written history. It has existed in almost every culture throughout time. The idea that it is a specifically ‘white’ invention is laughable.

Funny how we only get upset at a celebrity for shit like this when it’s a celebrity we already don’t like.  Beyonce could beat an Asian to death on tv screaming racial slurs the entire time and she would get a pass.

It’s a good thing we like Billie or else we would have to pretend harder to be upset by this news.

Content colonizers? Seriously? Talk about semantic satiation. Words used to have meaning. You seriously are likening some dumbshit teens stealing TikTok dances to the systematic violent takeover of entire countries? NO wonder you think you’re so oppressed, you forget what oppression actually is.

Do not sully Boney M’s legacy by attaching his name to this douche canoe.

I mean there’s clear video evidence all over the web of black ‘protesters’ going into mostly white neighborhoods in Portland demanding white people give up their homes and possessions, y’know, for reparations.

There are a million more examples of black people acting a damn fool than there are ‘Karen’ videos. Maybe stupid motherfuckers like you should keep their hypocritical bigotry to themselves?

Isn’t Us a bad version of a Jordan Peele movie?

Notice how nobody really talks much about Us? The epitome of style and ‘message’ over substantive storytelling it turns out Jordan Peele may not be the savior of horror cinema some have made him out to be? Personally I’m much more interested in Robert Eggers career moving forward. Yeah, I know. he doesn’t matter. He’s

love you too buddy!

You think this because it is easier than acknowledging that  maybe, just maybe, ‘woke’ culture is fucking insufferable?

If half the people in the country are calling you insufferable, maybe you’re insufferable? Progressives “all or nothing” puritanical idealism is beyond tiresome at this point.

Maybe he was just looking for his own personal ‘safe space’?  I mean if it’s good for liberal arts minority kids it’s good enough for a senator, right?

Wow, so you mean all this time Reality TV wasn’t really an accurate representation of reality? Color me shocked I say!  Next thing you’ll try and convince me water is wet and fire is hot!

#1. Why is law enforcement sending undercover cops in to pose as protesters without any justifiable cause?