Ha! Welcome to the troll club! How dare you celebrate that woman’s work! MAGA NAZI!!!!!!
Ha! Welcome to the troll club! How dare you celebrate that woman’s work! MAGA NAZI!!!!!!
So when is sexuality empowerment and when is sexuality misogyny? Model struts around in lingerie and everyone gets triggered. Cardi B or Megan Thee Stallion does it and they are the new face of feminism. I’m so confused.
If reparations are in the form of actual changes in the systems that work to keep black people down they will help immensely. If they are in the form of a $$$ payout they will do nothing and never pass because white people be racist, yo.
I mean race is a social construct right? I identify as a black woman. Since I’m not doing it for profit you support me right? Oh! Wait! I’m a white dude again. Nevermind. OOPS!! Now I’m black again, but I’m a gay man.
She’s a world famous celebrity. I don’t care how ‘tennis’ works. Celebrity > tennis. You think they put the Williams sisters on magazine covers because they’re model perfect beauties? My point is simply this. Nobody owes her a spot on the court. If she doesn’t like the rules she should attempt to change them. If she…
@Nat Turner. I’m not your Nigga.
SofaKing lost his job because he’s a pedophile.
She’s pretty and she says exactly what the nice old rich white men tell her to. What else do you need to know??
Thank God we have you here to insult us and tell us the only way to think.
Then they must not need her that badly and she should be replaced by someone fit to perform the duties they require.
A comment in another thread noted that “all white people are racist” and that white people are “about to lose everything”, a thinly veiled threat if I’ve ever heard one, so can you please stop trying to pretend The Root’s consistent anti-white rhetoric isn’t done for the specific purpose of stirring up racial…
She is famous. They want her there because her presence sells tickets. Therefore she has leverage. Leverage = negotiation.
kill yourself
Bye! Happy Juneteenth. I love you.
Profiting off of black people’s bigotry towards any and all white people?
You forgot, snarky insult of gamers
Reimagines the Black Father how now? By actually being present for his children’s upbringing?
Nice that she can afford to take time off. She needs to negotiate a new contract that allows her to skip press event or she needs to stfu. I have to speak publicly and in front of others in meetings in my line of work all the time. But business doesn’t take time off for your feelings.
please continue to reply! I love silencing black voices.
I was born a basic white man. I am bald and ugly and overweight and stupid. I want reparations for the unfair lot in life I have been given. Beautiful smart people get everything they want because of the natural gifts they are ‘privileged’ to be born with. I have no such luck. I am at an automatic disadvantage in Socie…