Greg the Mad

Remember last week when we reported Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana would be out on PC January 30? About that ... turns out NIS America underestimated the work it would take to make the game play smoothly on PC, and have once more pushed the release to an undetermined later date. Welp.

their exclusive pvp nature limits their generalization to what some enjoyed with mmos. now i am not slamming pvp...because i would like to safely turn on my car in the future, but its just that i felt the br games were more an evolution of quake deathmatches than mmos. but they are probably related to a part of what

One of the worst videos I’ve watched in a long time. This was painful and annoying and just plain stupid.

heh, as i was rereading this, i got a banner ad for blade and, on the topic of mmos, allow me to reiterate FUCK NCSOFT!

Seems super interesting how they’re basically making a progression server in the same way that Everquest and Everquest 2 roll out.

Us old MMO gamers are still around waiting for a new real MMO to call home. That’s a lot of sub fees.

ArcheAge had some pretty damn incredible ideas. The massive deep ocean, open world housing neighborhoods, ships, vehicles, uploading of images from your computer to the game, the farming system, the gliding, and physics. The story was gibberish, and the leveling system sucked, but it was an incredibly fun game with

I hope everyone on this thread checks out Pantheon and Ashes of Creation. 2 of the most promising MMO’s coming out in the next year or so.

i played a lot of mmos, and have some affection for a few like tera, champions online, tabula rasa,everquest 2, FFXIV and especally city of mother#$%^ing heroes. but I am not sure if they can exist anymore. people look at monetization differently, especially people who grew up playing cheap-to-free mobile games, and

I’m still hoping something like that will eventually get made.

I was just saying this to my friends last night! There needs to be a good “new” MMO that comes out.

Rift was so, SO good when it launched. I loved how alive it felt.

I downloaded it like a month ago and it felt so dated, the characters were so stiff and lifeless. It really turned me off to the whole game.

Or they are testing the waters to see if it’s a viable thing.

Only 8 sounds kinda sounds like a half-assed rip-off.

So, how are you feeling about Granblue over 2 years later?

Also, it’s still making crazy money.

The only tablet truly worth considering is the Microsoft Surface. It really is the perfect PC for everyone but the highest power users -in which case you aren’t shopping for a tablet. #sorrynotsorry

That’s how it works in the US, and why many of the post-recession numbers were somewhat misleading. Many people drifted from the seeking-job category to the early-retirement category after they were unable to find a job for over a year.

A simpler argument: robots can’t solve homelessness because they aren’t homes.

Based on voice is ineffective and brings in an additional hurdle, the understanding of human voice. No, future engines will have an AI taking basic information inputs like those shown in the video and creating a landscape. The AI will also be able to adjust the landscape based on additional values provided by players

I don’t know which collective “we” you represent, but as someone that isn’t part of it? The main reason a lot of map or world designs feel lackluster is because they had little to work with.