Greg the Mad

Turning one of my favorite characters, with a mouth as foul as her heart is big, into an object to gawk at in order to score invisible video game points is childish and offensive.

Came in here expecting to see the boycott being about how the game is owned by the chinese government and about the genocide.

“‘sexism against men’ makes no sense,” and spelling out why sexism is defined by discrimination against a marginalized gender

But the women weren’t excluded from said culture. to make it fair men should have been allowed at said event and treated in an openly hostile manner. See not sexist.

While I don’t agree with everyone’s behavior I do agree with the reasoning. You don’t bring equality by treating the ones who weren’t discriminated against the same way as the ones who were. That’s not equality, that is just revenge.

Riot asked some employees representing Riot not to publicly engage with the controversy

Genuine, honest question here: Who really browses the store and relies on Steam’s built-in systems to find new games? Do those people actually exist (No, people specifically looking for crap games to stream and ridicule don’t count)?

I’ve been using Steam for damn near 8 years and I think I’ve looked at sale pages

Yeah, same. Story popped up in my news feed and I’m like, “well crap.”

It’s been done before. It’s not that hard or complicated for the EU, and it’s not hard for Google to ultimately work around.

Ah yes, another shooting and another panic grab for issues to blame: Crazy people! Violent video games! Soft targets! Without ever addressing the obvious issue, access to guns.

To be fair, 15 is divisible by 3.

You gotta buy their game multiple times on multiple platforms. Duh.

With the Steam version at least, modders should be able to mod in the other features.

This is not how I thought I’d next see Mr. Freeman.

Why can’t the game just have all the features in every version? Is that so hard?

Started playing the game back when i first read this article, have spent $2k+ on this game since. Legit business i say. (and my guild of 30 is full of others like me)

This is probably their offspring.