Greg the Mad


... I did give my opinion on nazis. Second paragraph, first parenthesize.

Another one bites that dust.

Actually, that sounds like the right move.

Huh, I haven’t been on Kotaku for a while, lets see what’s new ... oh ... oh no ...

Virtually all countries have access to such games.

Wow, my Louis CK reference didn’t age well.

The original article was written 2013. At this point we can say with certainty that some of their planes never were put into production.

First and last time, yes.

I don’t know, Battle Royal games seem quite popular, and what would be a sandbox MMO than the biggest Battle Royal ever made?

This comment sums up my experience with pretty much all Korean MMOs.

Haven’t heard of any of those before, thanks. I’ve booked marked them and will watch their development with great interest.

Just because you said you hated writing and saying that joke doesn’t mean I can’t hate you for writing and saying it.

I really hope this works out well. We need more western MMOs.

If I could wish for a new MMO it probably would be a new Rift with action combat. It has really great lore and mechanics. The very wardrobe system WoW has now, Rift had years ago. Sadly, most westen developer move to MOBAs type of game instead of continuous progression MMOs, and Korean MMOs suck in everything but the

A platform can never have enough porn, I guess.

I just love how everybody was like “Put everything into hero-shooters! They’re the new thing!”, but now, a year later, everybody is like “Forget hero-shooters! Put everything into Battle Royal! That’s the new thing!

Welp, completely forgot about this. :D

No, publicly paid people are still employed. They pay taxes and their purchases fuel the same economy like everyone else’s. For a purposes they’re employed.

Traditionally there are only two states: Employed and Unemployed. The other states were added some decades ago to improve the statement of the statistics. However, only the two old states are still the ones that matter. Employed people pay taxes, unemployed not only don’t pay taxes but cost money, no matter if they