Greg the Mad

That’s that plot of Elysium, no? It’ll be fun when people start grilling those robots out of sheer undirected anger. I don’t want to be rich/politician once that anger gets direction.

Just on a side note: Don’t trust unemployment rates. I live in Austria and our unemployment rates have been doctored for decades. Everybody who is in some bogus training, or in a certified “looking for work” state is not considered unemployed here.

Unless of course they capture you in the game and let you only out through winning an exit-pass in a lootbox. Once your bank account is plundered you’re no longer of use and get terminated.

Have you ever watched/read Sword Art Online, or any similar Anime?

future research could lead to landscapes being generated entirely by the AI

In the UK it’s not even acceptable to disrobe grown, consenting women in media these days. The best part of Brexit is that one of the most freedom of speech hostile countries is leaving the union.

That’s pretty much most anime these days.

The problem is that there is no line between censorship and population brainwashing.

Cool, cars also now come without build in radio and loudspeakers, but a Concertina (sold separately).

Holy shit, Louisiana has some draconic laws. I don’t think showing someone your penis in a private setting, even if they didn’t ask for it, should be punishable by law.

Sure it’s easy, but that doesn’t make it good. Discussions are rarely one dimensional.

Naked man is not a move

To your first point. As far as I know he asked for consent by means of appearing naked (as terrible as this might be) and was denied. Unless nobody told me the part where he actually raped her in the shower, this is far from actually raping someone. And this is what I’m talking about. Just because consent is binary,

Lots of that happened on Reddit when the Fattening happened. In the end some people returned, or turned out to be without merit.

This looks fabricated to me. The accusation is blown out of proportions, just as much as the reactions.

You had me till paid mods.

So it’s the exact shit people said paid mods would be... Existing (better) mods with only a price tag added.

That’s one hell of a delayed reply. Wow.