Greg the Mad

How is this ok? MCA said he doesn’t want Beastie Boys songs to be part of advertisement. Why would anybody break the last-will of someone just to shill a game?! And the song doesn’t even fit the trailer in any form or way. The music doesn’t fir the images, or editing, the lyrics doesn’t either ...

Well, that’s PC alright.

You certainly should put the developer into your article. A link to the steam-page for wishlisting/following would also be nice.

I know I’m not one to talk, but you’re profile pic gives your comment a different spin than you probably were aiming for.

Well, it was made by the B-Team, but the delivered quality is still terrible. We’ll probably never know, but I really hope some manager lost his job for this.

So Mass Effect Andromeda is still borked? I planned to get it once its cheaper, but bugs like in the lead image together with not future support kinda kills it. :/

You should get out more.

Oh, yeah, that was sarcasm. I’m just not a great fan of the whole “/s” thing, and it would look stupid to put it in the middle of a paragraph anyway. I’m more a fan of people using critical thinking, and accepting that real human beings are complex entities with complex ideas and, yes, even complex phrasing.

No. How the fuck is equality a bad thing?! Explain it to me, please.

Holy shit, this is not ok. Anybody who shares such views should be banned from the internet. Seriously, it’s sickening that there are actual people who think standing for equality is a bad thing. Fuck those people.

Articles like this are why I now rarely go to Kotaku these days.

I do hope someone lost their job. This was not an acceptable product to ship.

All (Music, Art, code) of Stardew Valley was done by one guy, fyi.

Yeah, but I kinda prefer this over games that look all amazing, but the gameplay is shallow. If you ask me this is one of the reasons why pixel-graphics are so popular. Not because the necessary look amazing, but because it means the developer puts more money into the rest of the game.

Well, they already released one Bayonetta game on PC, even if it was just an April fools. There speaks nothing against a port of the first Bayonetta game.

Bayonetta PC CONFIRMED!!!!

Yeah, I kinda got that about it now being so realistic once I saw that giant metal tower thingy in the distance. ;)

But those are fully developed modern horses with uncombed hair! Real ancient horses were tiny ponies that only got to the size as we know them through centuries of selective breeding!

Ah, good old GamerGate, where one of you guys allegedly fucked a game developer and gave them a spotlight in return. Funny how you left out the detail that started it all. Also funny how you believe sexism didn’t exist before that. You must be really proud of that one, Kotaku ... you started sexism!