Greg the Mad

They certainly acted like little kids, that’s why I couldn’t watch the show even if you forced me to.

Titan on children sex? ... well ... That’s Hollywood alright.

Hollywood doing a far-out, Japanese anime/manga about children fighting naked giants?

What are you talking about? Everybody knows only white people can be racist.

The Swiss cross it a religious symbol, though. Look it up. I was also use because Swiss was politically neutral, not because it was religiously neutral. It was also used because of religious meaning as few people would have no problems attacking a religious symbol, when the Red Cross was established.

I wonder how much this is a violation of custom law. If lots of people use that symbol for health related things without consequences then there is legally no ground to charge them. This is probably why so many ignore that claim.

Last week it was alleged that Donald Trump once was in Russia where he ordered two hookers to pee on him (“golden shower”), and Putin has it on tape.

There is really no reason why he should not be there. He probably has the whole set of Nintendo console at home and plays them once in while. Even if he would not enjoy them, it’s pretty much his responsibility as Sony exec to keep taps on the competition.

Far less click-bait-y than From Russia with Pee.

But if she’s not in her dress does this mean we won’t have a chance to see her Sheik alt-appearance? OOT Zelda is still one of the most badass ones, if you ask me, rocks the skirt AND shuriken. Second best was Wind Waker Pirat-Zelda.

Again, Nintendo takes on leading the industry.

Only if you believe that women are not allowed to masturbate.

The last paragraph is kinda hard to grasp. That prompted my reply in the way it is. I know I do it myself, but once a sentence reaches 4 lines and has special character you may want to rephrase it.

I don’t need an e-sport to tell me I’m masturbation champion.

Yeah, I really know nothing ... I’m just a programmer with computer graphics and game development experience. ಠ_ಠ

You do realise that you can still purchase other products that aren’t adapted to your local market? This is what fuel the whole import industry.

That’s the exception, though. Most of the time there are really good games on all platforms and you’re just telling yourself the others suck because you can’t or wont shill out the additional money to support all consoles. And from a free-market perspective you shouldn’t anyway.

Yeah, it’s kinda sad how exclusivity is seen as such a important part. Especially with the Switch as it offers actual exclusive features like the joy-con motion controllers and the portability. The ability to take big games wherever you go (in a device, smaller than a laptop) is a bigger thing than any exclusive ever