They skipped the PSV2 and 3 and went right to the PlayStation Vita 4.
They skipped the PSV2 and 3 and went right to the PlayStation Vita 4.
Or you grow up and realise that your job is on the line if your a feminist and suddenly the world becomes a better place. You can’t pay your rent with idealism.
I never called then that. Maybe your approach is misinterpreting other peoples words. In that case: Have a great rainbow parade, Queen of England.
Well, it does start by grouping people into “Left” and “Right”, those labels are pretty meaningless when you think about it. Might as well just call them “A” and “B”.
Unless you want to start an ad hominem fallacy, my job is non of your business.
Sure, desiring equal rights is great, pity that modern feminism isn’t about that. It’s about whining and men-hate.
*teabagging intensified*
Or YouTube, or Reddit, or 4chan, or this place!
Bullshit, Feminists are never happy, no matter what you do. If they were happy it would mean they would have to get a real job. You can’t get a real job with a degree in gender studies. Being pissed at stuff is all they have!
So it’s kinda like the Chewbacca Degense? Perfect!
Like you said it really comes down to how it’s done.
I’d love you to argue that in front of a court.
Class action lawsuits have nothing to do with customer or worker friendliness. Unions and Regulations are what makes the EU so nice.
Yes, but Germany doesn’t have class-action lawsuits. Every employee would have to sue individually, and it’s simply don’t worth that much hassle for most.
I’m not sure another game could fix this. This sounds like your kid is literally Hitler.
Skyrim Special Edition
I was hoping the same till someone told me that apparently Gat out of Hell closes the whole Saints Row story or something. :(
The Wii U-exclusive Lego City Undercover will be re-released for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in 2017, the game’s Twitter account announced today.
Oh, HELL NO! Don’t make it their next game, and I’ll tell you why: