Well, didn’t know that. Just wanted to reality check you. Got a little hype sensitive after that No Man’s Sky thing.
Well, didn’t know that. Just wanted to reality check you. Got a little hype sensitive after that No Man’s Sky thing.
Maybe the staff wasn’t told? That should make an awkward meeting...
Did they ever hint at that? If not, it was you yourself who played you like a fiddle. Never trust the hype, even if it’s your own.
Eh, at least it’s a spin off, and not some main-series stuff.
Comparison is the source of all unhappiness.
Might be time for an upgrade then.
In other countries they’d be cheered on. :p
The Holocaust still fits in the context of the first war and Germany as a troll. Germany was quick to embrace the Great War, and was the leading cause of the Second World War. The Holocaust was also don by Germany just a few decades later.
(Also “since”... not “in”)
It wasn’t a holocaust, it was a social experiment!
One was walking the street, the other honked: 1 year in prison?
I’m not American.
Ok. This is called active/passive memory. Being able to recognise something is passive, and recreating it is active.
If you look past how old and bulky it is, it’s not actually a bad thing. See it like SMSs on Smartphones. Sure they’re bad, old, clunky and a series of other adjectives, but you’re using the cellphone network anyway, so why not also enable SMSs to the user?
I wonder what is the problem? Do you have a hard time actually writing them (fine motor skill/practice), or a hard time remembering how they look (active memory)?
I also keep forgetting about Nordic to be honest, and I live about 4km away from them...