
 My money’s still on post office. It’d piss off the right, with their current hard-on for killing USPS. Because, yeah, barely cops. They just need some civil servant gig with a certain amount of intrigue and paper work. 

Scrap the whole thing. Sell the precinct and open a new hotel called The Brooklyn Ninety-Nine. Boom. 4 more seasons. Those guys were barely cops anyway.  

If you count Sully, he also likes acting on airplanes that accidentally become boats.

but again, best case scenario this means everyone involved makes, what, 70% less money than under normal circumstances unless they double the price of everything?

The movie industry is just being stubborn about taking a gap year.

That song is, like it or not, such a standard, it’s hard to believe it wasn’t a hit at first release. And wasn’t that the bs reason it wasn’t eligible for an Oscar? Oscar’s are only for original songs?

It seems everyone knew what he was like, to the point where these castings seem like a sick in-joke.

They actually seemed like a more popular antagonist prior to 9/11 (Executive Decision, True Lies, The Siege). Tom Clancy’s The Sum of All Fears (itself something of a Black Sunday ripoff) was published in 1991 (a couple years before the WTC was bombed). The film adaptation came out the year after 9/11 and the Arab

“Why not challenge the status quo instead of falling back on fear-mongering tradition?” - From literally every Mission: Impossible flick and Craig 007 entry, to countless action schlockfests in the Fast & Furious and Expendables vein, white/Anglo Euro-American villains, nearly all of them apolitical corporatists or

it is absolutely bonkers that Joseph Gordon-Levitt came out of semi-retirement (this is his first real role since 2016) for a mediocre (and racist?) low-budget German thriller directed by a filmmaker making his feature debut. I am so curious about the story behind this.

This is something not enough people acknowledge in politics — you need someone charismatic who can articulate a vision and win over voters, but then you also need someone who can do the boring, nerdy, minutae that actually makes things happen. (As exemplified by Chris Traegor and Ben Wyatt)

I just realized there is a very good chance the last/only movie I’ll see in a theater in 2020 is “Cats.”

So many HBO's, but only one CEO of Tits.

Goddamit, I was born a Qwikster subscriber and I’ll die a Qwikster subscriber!

Really, it’s amazing how complicated the company has made this process, given that a mail-order DVD company seemed to perfectly solve it, like, literally a decade ago.

By pushing it off 6 weeks they get to see what happens at Universal first and back off if that becomes a disaster.


To me, the most interesting aspect is that Andrew Stanton (the director) originally wanted a big “twist” where it was revealed mid-way through the movie that Marlin was so over-protective of Nemo because he lost everyone else rather than in the beginning.

Earlier in the movie they mention how Space Command covered up what his dad had done because they wanted him to be a hero. Brad Pitt just saved the planet so I assume they would want to portray him as just a hero too and therefore pretend those murders never happened. Or Pitt had the leverage (telling the truth of