
2008: Everyone gets real excited for the Futurama DVD movies

How dare you say such things about hipster Gimli.

It’s almost like one of their contractors started working it but never followed through.

Speaking of gross behavior, did everyone else all ready know about this?

Saying “Oh, my vagina” in a jokey way is one of those things that’s probably perfectly acceptable to say in front of a group of friends, but if I said that at work I would be called out. Even if I was a long term employee, you still need to watch what “jokes" you're making in front of mixed company. That should be

Ghost, with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze, was an unexpected smash at the box office over the summer of 1990. It went on to be nominated for five Academy Awards, including a best supporting actress win for Whoopi Goldberg

Ghosted with Craig Robinson and Adam Scott was a mess, one of the most retooled one season shows, and they never landed on a version that was any better than the one they started out with 

When a film is utterly clueless about how loathsome its characters are, the result can be an unintentional jewel.

Paul jamming Get Back into existence from thin air was both breathtaking and a moment we would never see in a music biopic, which would have done something like

If Paul quietly noodling “Let It Be” in the background of another conversation appeared in a fiction movie I would say it was contrived, which is the fun of archival footage. I really couldn’t believe what was happening.

The Desolation of Ringo

The top five on the UK album charts right now are by Adele, Ed Sheeran, ABBA, Oasis, and Robert Plant & Alison Krauss. If the PC police are forcing all this diversity on the industry, they fucking suck at it.

It gets marginally better after that, but this white victimhood narrative never makes any goddam sense or

If May thinks that Freddie wasn’t “white as such,” he should probably read up on what White people were doing in Africa to begin with.

And no one cared about Freddie’s sexual orientation? Then why wasn’t it ever publicly disclosed until the very end of his career and life?

Brian May is too smart to be this stupid.

“For an additional $756, guests will also be given ‘blasters’ crudely carved out of wood. They will be required to make their own ‘pew-pew’ sounds.”

unlockable character skins

It’s vexing to me this show survived the initial shitstorm when this story first broke. Not that any show should survive this but... Bull? We’re not talking about prestige television, or a show that’s been around that long, or a legendary actor... CBS is willing to take the heat for Bull

“This was beyond anything I had experienced in my 30-year career.”

Kathryn Hahn is good. Not sure where this will go, though. Is there some other media style they could riff on since they’ve already done sitcoms? Maybe it could be a show in the form of a series of stand-up routines Agatha delivers from Salem 1693 to the present?

Nope it’s a holdover from when Perlmutter was still in charge of Marvel’s TV Division. It was far enough into production that it got grandfathered in rather than canceled. 

There were definitely some warning signs in the books—the rampant fatphobia, the whole “house elves love to be slaves!” thing—that crop up in hindsight, but yeah, Rowling was generally perceived as “one of the good ones.” Which made the “oh by the way, transwomen are faking it so they can assault me in the bathroom