
Methinks you underestimate how goddamned stupid people are.

God damn. No D’arcy Carden for The Good Place? How can someone watch her (especially in the episode Janets) and not nominate her for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy.

At this very moment, a high-ranking a-hole has just informed the developer of the hoverboard that his entire project has been cancelled for ridiculously petty reasons. With no other recourse, the developer will enable a highly dangerous and experimental mode for the hoverboard, and for reasons not well explained will

Jhonen Vasquez on Twitter pointed out that it looks like a lion ate a Lion King fan, and now the fan is singing Lion King songs from inside the lion.

I’m looking forward to the photo-real remake of Inside Out, which will just be talking chunks of human brain.

Me, after reading seven paragraphs full of one excoriating pull-quote after another:

I asked Sue about this, she said there hasn’t been a public outcry about Game of Thrones the way there was for Jinn. Jordanians like Game of Thrones. The issue is that Jinn represents their own country and culture.

(San Andreas 2, again with Peyton helming) which suggests he’s loyal to a fault

I mean, come on, man. . . He’s been in the league for seven years and has no history of dirty play. He was contrite in the immediate aftermath of the play, during post-game interviews, and on twitter. He said he made a split-second decision to slide towards the inside, that decision ended up being wrong, and he feels

No mention if he hit anyone with the chair. It’s the Mets so I am assuming he missed....

“This is a difficult movie to watch. I found the whole experience very taxiing.”

“The demands of action and comedy, however, are apparently much too great a weight for this action-comedy to Lyft.”

That’s the name of the main character in my Three’s Company/Hunt for Red October fanfic.

He is great on The Good Place and I can’t think of anyone else that would come close to how well he pulls off that role.

James Dolan was born on third, meandered back to second and yelled “TOUCHDOWN!”

i just keep imaging radios in pick up trucks spontaneously bursting into flames

“Throughout, an element of culture-clash comedy persists, much of it built on the characters’ inability (or unwillingness) to read the warning signs around them.”

Wow, Mamma Mia 3 looks great!