
He was late 30s-early 40s playing a character in his late 20s, yes.

To be fair, the actor is nearly 50 years old—they cast him to play a 20 year old because they felt the age gave the drug abuse more credibility.

Some audio books are a bit different from the text, and give a unique experience from that text. So I can see this being a bit useful for hearing-impaired individuals (for instance, in the audio version of Carrie Fisher’s ‘The Princess Diarist,’ she has a few interactions with the sound engineers that

Yeah... the MST version isn’t on Shout, but the uncut, non-MST3K version is. We gave it a whirl and lord god it’s awful soft-core porn. We skipped through it because there was no way to look directly at it--it needs the filter of the bots.

The “let’s do the stations of the cross on fast-forward” scene was, to me, absurdly useless. The WAY it was shot seemed like the director knew just how stupid the scene was, and thought maybe putting some panache on it would cover for its pointlessness. A nice stylistic choice I hope they use next season (if they get

They found her in a mansion in Boston. Because of course.

I’d think Goonies had some influence as well. 

It’s a memoir. I mean, one of the complaints I have with Hemingway is he never knew how to end a book.

Maybe she’s shacking up with ex-Pope Benedict.

The lighting and framing of the photos is amazing--it’s damn near art. 

The only good thing Alec Baldwin has done in 20 years is playing Jack Donaghy, and he decided not to continue doing it, which now makes him even worse. 

I think he means the last page of his last book will reveal all of King’s work existed in a snowglobe gazed upon by an Autistic child.

Skyler was smarter than Walt. She was calmer in crises, she was more inventive in deception, and she was better at business. The Skyler hate shocked me--I’d watched the show since the beginning, but didn’t know people hated her until Anna Gunn wrote her op-ed for the Times.

It’s very much reminded me of Breaking Bad—with a different context, of course, but June is very much on the same character trajectory as Walter. The major difference between the two characters is of course Walt always having a choice to be better, whereas June doesn’t have the sort of freedom to choose her path.

“Please be neat and wipe the seat” is both better AND worse than what my mom had: “Please be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.” For a decade, the word ‘seatie’ bothered the hell out of me.

When you do things right, people won’t know you did anything at all.

Certainly. Which is why I’d suspect CNN would be interested in using him, given their rush to the extreme middle lately.

Actually haven’t seen CNN in years--do they still use him for that? Or have they replaced him with, like, James Woods?

True. It was a nice way to avoid the cliche shot-repeatedly-in-a-car thing, which has been done to death. No one expects an electric golf cart.

On the flip-side, a falling air conditioner was supposed to take out the Gene Hackman character in ‘Hoosiers’ in the middle of his big speech, but at the last minute they realized the team would’ve been too traumatized to realistically finish the basketball game--audiences wouldn’t buy it.