
Turns out she died at Darlene’s wedding. Everything after that was Dan’s fantasy—he imagined his own death because it was easier than imagining hers.

I wonder if he’s read Charlotte’s Web.

He gets paid to do shit like this, which supplements his surgeries.

He’s not that dedicated.

Just finished watching all of St. Elsewhere (very annoying it’s not available for easy streaming), and Roxanne Turner isn’t in enough episodes. I just want to throw that observation out there: the producers of St. Elsewhere had the chance to use Alfre Woodward a lot, and they didn’t.

Judd Nelson did, yeah. Though I think it was just network--NBC, maybe? I remember not watching it as a kid, and we didn’t have HBO, but it was definitely on the TV for me to ignore. A miniseries, I think.

Judd Nelson’s eating this weekend!

Thought about that, but why not say it, rather than trying to put a positive spin on the release? Alas. I wonder how much was made off streaming.

Mentioned this in another thread, but it was also available VOD for a month. Why on earth release it in theatres? No one who worked on this is responsible for Spacey’s actions except Spacey, but it seems like this will only hurt everyone else who worked on the film, not Spacey, by releasing it.

I didn’t know Billie Lourd was in it... Hm. Also, this has been available VOD for a month or so--I wonder how much money its pulled in through that. Sure, bury Spacey, but it seems to fudge the story a bit when people who WOULD see this movie probably already bought it and watched it at home.

The Nazi SS font Hydrox is going with now really adds to your villain theory.

*Extreme Barbara Walters voice* “Wes, if you were a twee, what kind of twee would you be?”

I’d watched Waking Life a few times and had no clue that scene was Alex Jones until last week. To me it was just another weird Linklater character--a hold-over from Slacker--and hardly meant to be a screed or to be taken seriously. Yeesh.

Amen. I’m not usually a ‘get off my lawn’ guy, but goddamn, I don’t think younger people (not ALL) appreciate just how rare and good Tracy Chapman’s talent is. Suggesting she go eat a Barbie’s ass is, to me, beyond stupid: it’s hateful. I’m also aware I’m probably waaaay more pissed about it than Tracy Chapman, who is

“And I remember Macarena-ing

Doubt she would, but I kinda hope Chapman does a Nicki Minaj cover song, improving upon it 1000%.

Nicki’s fans were amazing on Twitter last night. In case the image doesn’t load, here’s a particularly fun tweet that says, “Fuck Tracy Chapman. Eat a Barbie ass or something.” I mean...

Can’t wait for the boilerplate, inadequate apology Welker tweets out about this.

I’m not a marketing executive, but isn’t that aiming at the wrong demo?

I’d be okay if all of that was theatre nerd rage.