Greg Ramsaran

the press for this show is making me feel sad about harris wittels again :(

I had problems with not being able to shut it off after watching an episode. I wanted to drag it out a bit since I was enjoying it so much...but damn autoplay sucked me in!

I think the real message that Microsoft is sending here is “hey Apple...time to start innovating again. We’re catching up and passing you!” The new lineups from Microsoft and Dell are obvious shots across the bow of Apple. I switched to a Dell XPS13 from a MacBook pro 13” a few months ago, and I have never looked back

Actually, it does...once.

Also if you disable “Animate controls and elements inside windows” it makes Excel 2013 functional again... the animations seriously slow down productivity.

Or just disable the whole effects thing.

And along comes a toddler, who topples your TV and laptop beside her...

And along comes a toddler, who topples your TV and laptop beside her...

Very happy with my VideoSecu ML531BE. I purchased it in 2011 to mount my 32” Panasonic LCD TV to the bedroom wall. Based on the position of the bed, our mounting options were either a wall by my side of the bed or on the ceiling. Since I didn’t want to take down the mirror (haha, nah, the dry wall just wouldn’t

Very happy with my VideoSecu ML531BE. I purchased it in 2011 to mount my 32” Panasonic LCD TV to the bedroom wall.

Easy. Become a politician and/or religion.

You already suggested it right here in the article without realizing it.

I bought all these things, I'm going to need a job, Shane.

I bought all these things, I'm going to need a job, Shane.

Funny you say that, this is my leaf blower...

Burn it with fire!

greated soap: It’s just like regular soap, only greater!

And guess what! He’s in a 2015 RX loaner car right now. I bet some people just call em up and say “No thanks, I don’t want my old car back, what will it cost to keep this one?”

No — I am Lexusblind.

They’re making a diesel generator for that beast.

"Checks your writing for spelling mistakes."