Greg Ramsaran

Doesn’t this just search Keychain for the password? Why not just open Keychain, find the SSID, Show Password?

Proper planning and know how would prevent this. Also, so does google.

Also helpful when you forget that static IP.

The Maxima has always been one of my all time favorite cars and the '97-'98 models are at the top of that list. Glad to see you got it back and running.

You broke it, good job. :D



Or let Waze do the analysis for you!

It is actually a "shadow copy" feature it was enabled on the server, so I agree with max-powerdwp, it's not new. Maybe they've enabled it by default?

Another tip - get a bottle of juice from the store. problem solved.

Doesn't help all the drivers staring at their crotch on their "smartphones".

Totally going to send this guy a check, soon as I find my check book & a pen.

NO WAY!!!! WHAT KIND OF BMW? But for 6k/a month for work, why not just go ALL out and get that Maserati is driving around town?

There are chromebooks that cost less than $300. Saying they're not aware of XP going away is like saying I'll never repair my car, it'll last forever.

I think it's time to just start forcing upgrades or pushing people to Ubuntu.
You're not doing anyone a favor by 'extending' their use of XP unless they're in IT.

It did previously, not sure why it wouldn't do it now.

What are these "fanciful machine" you speak of? ;)

What is your reason for leaving Capital One 360 in favor of Ally?

What about running it as a media server?
I'm using Raspbmc for this and it works great.

I prefer for this purpose. Password protected if you need it to be. Always online and one URL to remember.