
Dude. Get yourself out here and go exploring. Bissell Bros, Allagash, Baxter, Banded Horn are some popular Maine breweries. Smuttynose, Tuckermans, Stoneface are super solid New Hampshire brews. Otter Creek, The Alchemist, Hill Farmstead for Vermont. Clown Shoes is dope as shit for Mass and 2 Roads is delightful down

Counterpoint. Have lots of pets, and no children.

You’re a bad person

Get the baby powder with cooling agents. It works wonders and feels great on your balls!

In all seriousness. My Apple TV is nicknamed grundlelicious.

To be fair, I’ve had those IPAs. I got through one. Don’t know how you managed 4 of them and then Indian food. Stomach of steel man, at least for a few minutes. Great beer though!

It’s funny when people don’t get jokes.

Holy hell Bruce Springsteen sucks.

Reading is apparently hard for people. I think the general tone of your post was not fuck people who order food, but fuck people who order food and don’t tip well.

Goddamit dude. You’re an asshole.

Y’all are fucking awesome.

Lets not forget samers from deadspin which is my personal favorite. A toupee that someone found in a garbage can and stapled to a sweet potato.

People are pissed because a fucking horse didn’t beat a woman for sportsperson of the year. If this were A Rod or Tom Brady or hell even Roger federer nobody would care. Women get the shit end of the stick. Even when the woman in question is competing in women’s sports.

Because she’s black and is strong as shit. People get intimidated when a woman has arms like that. Actually. People get intimidated by women.

If you were found with pictures of 13 year old girls in bikinis on your computer you’d be accused of harboring child porn. There is no right to privacy when it comes to underage children. If you ogle 13 year old girls and you’re not a 13 year old yourself, you’re fucking pervert. 13 year old girls on the beach aren’t

It’s just a movie.

She’s an 18 year old freshman who’s parents are paying for her to live away from home and get an education. She’s not an adult yet. She can give her mom 30 minutes of her time every 7 days. Now. When she’s 26 and her mom borrows money from her and she asks for her mom to pay her back and her mom pulls the I raised you

Muse. Muse is awesome and would blow everyone away. Also Outkast is amazing live. The Black Keys. Jack White in any of his iterations.

Lindt recently stopped making peanut butter truffles but holy hell they were awesome. If you ever see then, eat them.

You speek gud English pc police