The books (all books) will still exist, even if she kills someone with an axe. Separate the art from the artist.
The books (all books) will still exist, even if she kills someone with an axe. Separate the art from the artist.
You’re a grownup now. I’m sure you’re capable of separating a series of books which wrapped up over a decade ago from the author’s present day opinions. If not that’s on you, not her.
“oh-dark-hundred” in my organisation
You had me at bee costumes.
If I lived there, I’d vote the same way. I am an immune-compromised person, and cannot get certain vaccines. One of my cousins, who I love dearly, is an anti-vaxxer and refuses to vaccinate her children. It pains me to say it, but I have to tell her “I love you cuz, but I cannot be around your kids because whatever…
My Child My Choice!
For any who think this is a First Amendment issue:
Recently, Jessica Coen shared a photo here of how I prefer to fly with my tiny child. A lot of folks in the comments…
I feel like there’s a brotherhood for those of us who refuse to use the size titles dictated by starbucks.
This is a very weird way to announce he’s coming out but I, for one, support him wholeheartedly.
I'm wondering if the author has children. As a father of 2, I laughed at a few of these. As well meaning as they are, they are laid out as a checklist of things you can easily and always accomplish. "Change Your Schedule," "Say the Right Things," "Teach your kids Good Money Management Skills Early On." These are…