
Aside from agreeing that Gizmodo should never ever ever do a slideshow again, and certainly not for a review of a TV program, the One Simple Trick to overcome “With a nudge from the Prime Radiant, who whispers to him where to meet her next (just quietly enough so that we can’t make out her words)...” is to watch with

police chief Steve Drew said that the boy brought the weapon to the school in his backpack and that the shooting was intentional.”

I think the paperweight infinity stones were powerless because they were outside not just their universe, but all the universes. The TVA is separate from everything. 

could _affect_

Absolutely could not disagree more. And literally, the name shows that you are in the minority. They don’t call it “the red eye” because you get off the plane feeling refreshed, having had sufficient sleep, and ready to face the day. 

Thought he was a dick as governor. Thought he’d be terrible as interim president. What do you know, I was right twice. 

Sometimes, you need to give up. Especially for the conspiracy-minded, this comes into play:

Yeah, but remember, in the wrong hands, this method just makes you look like an ass. I had a supervisor who clearly felt that he was using the Socratic method, but in essence he followed the pattern of: ask why the think or feel like they do; keep asking the questions until they run out of answers and feel badgered;

I have to say...I think your grandmother and people like her are able to have a level of equanimity because when their time came, they fought like (fill in metaphor here) and didn’t give up. I don’t take your grandmother’s story as an indication that I can sit back, any more than I take my father-in-law’s experience

“But Senator Cruz: I am not left-handed either”

Ted Cruz: The semi-sentient blobfish who wished to be a real boy, and probably still mentions that he went to Harvard Law in every conversation.

the chairs are from IKEA, just so you can complete your wish

Any indication of improvements in the verbal directions? I use Waze all the time and love it, but Google Maps does one thing really well: it tells you specifically which lanes to get into (e.g. "use the left two lanes to make a left turn onto..."). Since Waze is owned by Google now, I'm hoping that will get put in

If this is an article update, why not address what has been changed? The comments visible are a year old, and discuss the version of your recommendation that didn’t have all of the features you are touting, making for a confusing experience—in fact, some of the comments don’t recommend Overcast as your choice at all.

It counts. Remember, Sarah Palin once went to a Halloween party as Tina Fey

The version I always heard was “Oh-dark-30”

I happen to like Paper very much, but I have noticed a consistent, odd glitch. If I post a status that contains a picture, a location, and a facebook friend that I’m with, Paper ALWAYS posts it without the location.

I will keep posting this until everyone understands it. Donald Trump is the unrestrained ID of the Republican Party. It doesn’t matter if he makes sense. It doesn’t matter what he says. He taps into people’s primal emotions, and makes it ok for them to be horrible. He wasn’t valid as a capitalist, he wasn’t valid as a

SO WHITE it hurts

Huckabee’s visit and the resulting hubbub required the closure of five schools in Carter County, impacting over one thousand students.