
I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

So, two things.

And I could say the reverse in response to the OP’s assertion that another guy should heed his”warning” about his wife’s (a woman he presumably doesn’t know, in a relationship with dynamics he’s presumably not privy to) possible flirtatiousness.

I have no problem with that. It’ll be my beans she’s grinding later that evening.

Not smoking anything, they probably never read the manga. lol

Maybe the reason more youtubers don’t tackle these issues is because not everyone can handle the giant shitstorm of hate and harassment that comes with doing so.

I think that she actually chose a pretty good game(s) to discuss. Overwatch (as well as DOTA 2 and LOL) is one of the biggest games out there right now that has a diverse cast of characters. Also, it is one of the few games that actually has numerous female characters (especially playable ones) lol.

Actually, no. You only have a right for arms.

I’m beginning to understand why countries break apart and civil wars happen, because I really, really don’t want to live in the same country as these people.

Should of went with

I only gamble on human skins. I have many human skins in my collection ☺️

Nice try, Stephen. But this is clearly a fake article to cover up your very real article about beating women in video games being rape.

Fuck cancer

You’re right, a picture of a trophy for a decade old game is with $10-15 bucks easy.

he also made this professional comment before editing it

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

And it has the word "cyber" in it.

The Fire TV. Out of the box, it is already connected to your Prime account, no plugging in passwords or anything. It has a very small footprint, smaller than my Roku LT! For the extra $40, you can get a controller and play some very good games at app prices. You can connect your Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Pandora

Apple's policies could be way more progressive, of course,

Orth struck a nerve, and he struck it hard.