
And you’re obviously a troll, but I don’t mind the occasion to tell you how sad an excuse of a man you are. Good luck with life as a shitty person.

Seeing many words hurts your brain? Fyi to most civilized people, someone using “pussy” as an insult immediately looks like a low life imbecile. Feel free to use / disregard.

In all fairness that would only be an apt comparison if Louis CK was doing a bit exactly like “I’m going to fuck my children, ah ah ah”. I don’t really care that it’s not “new”, more that like always if you’re making a joke that’s extremely offensive and it’s not funny, there is nothing left and you just shot yourself

And you got that from where? From not caring yourself, I suppose?

The word is “creative”. Though to people as edgy as you those are often synonyms.

I went to school in a country that believe in free public education, so I got it great for close to no money. Barely had to pay for uni either, saw less well off friends around me get grants to help with their rents so that they didn’t have to work (as much) while while studying either, came out a software engineer at

Are you actually saying you can’t tell the difference, or just playing dumb.


It’s sad that at this point I know that even a great to play f2p game isn’t worth it, because you will end up still playing it out of addiction a while after the game’s real content was all exposed to you. I have played a couple of fairly great f2p mobile games of the sort, and it’s great for a while, even ends up

...Cause a fair amount of people are really enjoying it?

Well all things considered it sounds like you still managed to start early, s so good on you!

Oh please please let me leave somewhere with fun people like you, I’ll quit my job that pays me twice as much so that I can come over where apparently nobody wants to.

Agreed, it takes a while to get used to that big elemental actually not having much life.

I can’t help but feel like there should be even better tools for this. I know some are in place and yet, I constantly log into a game of heroes of the storm we low level players start blaming and insulting at minute 2. Last night it started at draft even.

I’m assuming because winning an election with the least ratio of vote ever since the 1800s, that makes you pretty sure you are right now, and people looking a Trump acting like the dangerous fuckwit he is, that’s not worth worrying over. Makes sense, keep feeling good about your opinions.

Yeah, though in electing Trump you mean failed to elect Hillary despite 3rd largest popular vote margin EVER, after two elections in the 1800s with 100K and 4M vote TURNOUT.

When you add up marketing campaigns, slander, primary machinations, spying, hacking, gerrymandering, voter suppression, at this stage I think I

I think the problem is that countries would have entire operations, some somewhat successful and you can even argue fair, to meddle with the results of another democratic process. I’m sincerely having a hard time believing one wouldn’t see that as a problem.

Oh yeah you heard dead people complain about having saved money?

“The horrors of socialism”, what a disgusting joke.

You know I used to get scared that the magnetic tapes on old computers would play as sound. When it did every now and then because we pressed a wrong button or something, it sounded horrifying.