Oh yeah you heard dead people complain about having saved money?
Oh yeah you heard dead people complain about having saved money?
“The horrors of socialism”, what a disgusting joke.
You know I used to get scared that the magnetic tapes on old computers would play as sound. When it did every now and then because we pressed a wrong button or something, it sounded horrifying.
I feel half the naysayers have to see the thing as a medium. I doesn’t even matter if the games currently existing are good enough or not. Have you tried the thing? It does feel like you are inside a game! How could that not at least have a bunch of cool applications.
Even for you, VR doesn’t have to become your number one game device. It is really fun to play every now and then. And I personally know that I don’t want half the currently existing types of games to be played on a VR headset. But goofy immersive ones, google hearth and picture/videos, and random things like superhot…
“I saw the RE controls as a challenge more than an impediment.”
It’s not going to die... It’s going to get poorer, angrier and more extreme. You don’t think it’s actually going to die, do you?
If the rest of the game is great? I don’t know, haven’t you ever kept playing a game that controls badly? I did, or at the very least I would if the game controlled ok but had some serious controls flaws here and there. I definitely don’t think controls make/break a game, even though I’m not going to say they aren’t…
Game history is littered with great games with less than great controls though. I’m bad at coming up with examples but Resident Evil is the most obvious one.
Sounds like you’re judging a game on its controller scheme only.
Team Four Star, please get on this.
Maybe? Sometimes? Often? That wouldn’t shock me. I mean at the end of the day if being strong was for some reason shameful (physical labor or whatever) and smart was so much hotter you’d see many more people with genius fantasies, right? I’m not even sure it’s a very important point, just I kinda think it does work…
For your own good don’t tell yourself you didn’t, cause you really obviously did lol. But I don’t care, I’m just arguing now :) I agree you don’t decide how people feel/think for them, it just gets tricky when psychology enters the mix. Have a good sir, day.
Sounds great :)
Yeah I mean I accept and agree women wants and needs and those can be looks/physical/sexual. Just kinda playing devils advocate about the sources of the desire, I guess. I don’t want to “completely define” anything :)
Sure, except that’s not what I said. Mentioning the mere possibility of societal pressure isn’t deciding of what people are feeling/thinking for them.
It’s a theory. It might be and it might not be. That’s a bit of an ego move to get offended when someone says that MAYBE the reason you feel some way is caused by external factors, as obviously everything always is. You can’t seriously want to reduce what I’m trying to say to an attempt to completely nullify women…
Unless you’re saying society has no influence on people, men and women alike I’m not sure why you’re taking the high ground here.
I know it’s not a new thing but I’m still kinda baffled by that part to be honest.
Isn’t there a thesis that at the same time men should be less focused on sexuality, seeing less women as objects to sexuality? Seems to me those go in the exact opposite direction. Less importance, less power; more power, more…
Isn’t the theory that even when it become a girl’s fantasy, it’s a sign of how society taught you too much to find your self-value in those physical aspects?