
Non-natives maybe, dyslexics, poorly lettered people. What I find interesting is people are always all up and arms about stuff like their/they’re, hardly ever seem to care that most of the population can’t count.

What type of people did they ask to? Cause I love manga and like anime ok, and I still know just about nothing on that list... I’m really trying to find an excuse to thinking Akira anime is better than the manga and I’m thinking “maybe that’s the only titles they even knew about?”.

It’s probably better if you have 1h attention span...

Well maybe I’m overanalyzing, but I would venture lots of men have a hard time getting told day in and day out that they are pigs objectifying women, just to turn around and have a streamer stick ass and titties in their face.

I mean we could try and talk in constructive way, but I think we can all agree that ship has sailed quite a while ago.

So morons dating morons? Ok!

Getting a 3DFX to play Carmageddon, POD and Pandemonium... I don’t think anything felt like such an jump in technology ever... Though the first gforce were out there as well.

F off with your “this is this and you should that”. I get that it’s clickbait but that’s no excuse.

I enjoy the silly names they find for their monsters a little less every time there is a new one.

Oh but we can...

Going to chime in and just say I know two of those headsets, mine and my friend’s and both batteries started holding zero charge within the year. Minor issues with the firmware aren’t anything compared to that, in fact I would quite like the item if I could actually use it as a wireless one.

Going to chime in and just say I know two of those headsets, mine and my friend’s and both batteries started holding


FINALLY! Less choice, not having the opportunity to pay less if you don’t need more storage! Phew.

Correct me if I’m wrong but the idea isn’t to DO the things, but make them seem less hard when you do them. If your solution to “I can’t force myself to do X” is “force yourself to do X but 10 times harder”... You are battling logic.

Loving the “What selfish is you, buddy?”. Judging by her bovine stare though, I wouldn’t think it’s talent, she’s probably been talking like this all her life.

Aw man. Good luck with all that.

Yeah, I don’t like her. I’m not trying to refute games are all tits, all year, I was just pointing out she started a video with a conveniently partial fact. Apparently it’s addressed later in the video.
I just looked at the list of her videos, and they are amazingly unsurprising. At least the titles (I’m too far gone

I mean... I dated a girl for 3 years once, before I realized I hated her.

Appreciate you not getting into any more of a fist fight... Sorry about that.

Yeah, I’ll answer here for the last time, but you are mostly right. It still remains that I didn’t care to give her time to explain any more, when, out of the dojumillion (look it up (don’t)) games out there, she picks one that we obviously know contain an answer to her argument, and doesn’t mention it until (so I