
Kinda weirded out there is an african lady and her baby to illustrate humility... Not sure what was the idea lol.

Those guys actually. More than half the people I know who are into RPGs aren't into FF.

No, I just dropped an opinion without making a thesis to shield myself from people just going ad hominem on me, because they think they can invalidate my opinion that way.

Find better use of your time.

Let's go with weird convoluted unexiting story line and character depth? Final Fantasy makes me sad; if their writing was better they would be so amazing.

Who exactly still thinks those articles are going anywhere? Militants are still militants, sexists are still sexists, game makers are still objectifying women, sociopathic misogynists and internet trolls are still getting off death threats and I'm still tired as fuck reading about this.

Yeah in all fairness I do love the series but it's more for the way it's made and directed, rather than for the actual gameplay though.

Wait a sec. When I'm throat and all body sore and possibly have a fever, that's not a cold, right? Cause I'm pretty sure I've had the flu a couple times before, and it sucks but I was never anywhere close to wishing I died.

Lol not really... If anything people keeping on writting articles about him might be bullying...

His last comment was still childish and stupid, that's a very fair comment on it. How old is he anyways?

Can't say that I agree with that statement. Android Studio is the recommended IDE and by very far superior to Eclipse as far as I'm concerned. I can't think of specific AS issues, but the idea of getting familiar with Eclipse and getting stuck in it by habit doesn't sound enjoyable at all...

I think that's the idea, unless you think it's the car committing the infractions ;)

As far as I'm concerned art is someone trying to express themselves with something they created. Sounds like you are trying to define "good art", which obviously nobody will ever be able to do.

STDs. I win.

WoW, Diablo, Starcraft.

You should try using slices of baguette as well instead of sliced bread. That's the way I always did it back home and it makes for great two-bites size snacks, great with sugar, syrup, jam or nutella :)

Hipsters are lame and annoying, but how are you guys not over the hatewagon yet.

I'm clearly not of the opinion that it is fake, but my first reaction to such statement is that it's impossible. You are merely corroborating elements, you are not proving that it is real because you found a plausible element.

Soon! \o/

Right... Do you think McAffee kinda tried and do a poll of girls willing to admit their boyfriends threatened them and then cross referenced with "revenge" websites, or did they just pull the number straight out of their... Socket?

Seconded. Or Thirded. Agreeded.