
Not even going to discuss the level of sexism, just going to propose people your their thirst for justice somewhere a little more meaningful than in video game intros.

I think making a good looking jrpg is much harder than you'd think. Pretty sure artists spend much time on drawing and animating those sprites, it's really an artistic direction when they go for 2D because it's old school and fits the spirit. When they go 3D (Tales of the Abyss), it's cool but it doesn't look all that

I was talking about your level of conversation, I'm not having a debate with China right now.

Lol to the concentration camp. I don't think I'm going to pursue an intelligent conversation after that one.

Pretty sure even you know the shallowness of comparing a tool and a product. You can use a tool somebody created. If you just plain copy a whole production somebody imagined and executed, you suck.

You have to wonder how much effort it takes to take a video that's not shaky or just moves too fast, as I imagine we tend to turn our heads quickly all the time etc. I understand some of the shots are when the google user is pretty still, and they are selected, but I'd like to know the percentage of someone's

Well that was just very funny coming from a gadget blog: guys, they made it, the iPhone is so bloody perfect nothing will change for years, and that's for the best.

Not even trolling? How about satisfaction of crafting something? It might sound like bullshit to you, but it can be huge.

Obviously enough social correctness. Since white males are "in power" (I probably shouldn't even dare use quotes on that one around here), you can be as peremptory as you want with them. Insulting "minorities", now that would be bad.

World's Most Famous MonumentS. I was about to accuse you from trolling: it's easy to miss the S and thinking you just said empire state building is the most famous monument in the world :p

Please, that's Jobs we're talking about. Crying over betrayal sounds unreal.

You really don't need that much more time to brush up your multiplications instead of learning that. A bit of a memory training will be a good brain work out and will help avoiding to look stupid counting on your fingers for something you learn at age <10.

Lol give me a break, I'm a huge fan of the Half-Life series, and I wouldn't say HL2 is perfect. Let alone Ocarina of Time, I couldn't be bothered finishing a zelda since the SNES...

Yay for agreeing, I also keep playing Diablo quite a bit, though I must admit I kinda feel simply addicted to making my character bigger lol...

Well, here's hoping that some day, with the help of powerful articles such as this one, morons answering Yahoo's "top 15 beauty turnoffs" will do it with a beautiful respect of women and their independence.

Yeah I pretty much agree. But I feel a little harsher though. On one side Duke was never a masterpiece; it was rudely fun, and DNF was really more rude than fun in the end, even though I enjoyed it a bit.

Oh, so I guess my idea of a fiction where jewish people are oppressing the rest of the world isn't a good idea either...

And welcome to the internets, where there's in no middle ground between a piece of junk and a tool for musicians and audiophiles, and where I come add some more sarcasm on top of it xD

God, will people ever stop to defend industries? Are you really that afraid the game maker will lose their shit and stop making games for you? Yes, lots were disappointed by Diablo 3, and since they had high hopes, they have a little bit of a hard time getting over it (see Duke Nukem, which fortunately was bad enough

Well I think the point is to try and have some criteria to judge, otherwise it's just a big list of "movies I like" from different people.