
Thanks Kotaku, been trying to figure that out for a while. Guess I'll be able to play with European friends afterall :)

You weren't around for the DS/Psp, were you? The look of a game isn't everything.

Fantastic. Now from the nitpicking department: I feel like the 360 PLUS a pause before hitting is really inefficient for fight, but hey let's say it's a kata-kind of movement :)

To be honest if I don't feel like the nice things said are genuine, it won't help that much to tell them before or after asking for a favor.

She selling the fact that you can be great and "different", making everybody feel good about themselves even though really she pulls it off cause she's cute.

There's a fun mountain theme I keep trying to find back too. Good stuff :)

To be honest, to be paired with the sensationalism of the article and the picures coming with it. Asking to see the video is only around the corner.

And keep it mind it can be EVEN more subtle... I know some people that are not completely obnoxious when they interrupt you, and don't completely ignore you when they are doing something else and you try to talk to them BUT I can still say they expect me to respond much faster than they would...

My bad I guess, I thought it was a common dismissive approach... Maybe I should ask why did they let people play single for the Beta then?

Actually the server overload issue might be less when the game's out (or worse, really), but will be fundamentally the same, and this time people will have paid to play the game.

MARKETING. That's all I have to say.

Makes sense, I just thought the opponents were really bad when they never fired xD I never played on console but I figured players can't be THAT much worse than PC...

That would be a good occasion to see her naked alright...

And either way, people do meetings... Steeve Jobs came by my company once a few years ago, nothing happened from that.

Except Banzzai was the Nintendo one and Supersonic the Sega one... Didn't even remember that xD

Banzzai (spelling mistake included) was the name of a French Sega gaming magazine when I was around 10.

Move to Northern California then ;) SF has thousands of us.

Yeah yeah, but still, only almost.

Hem little quick to dismiss one's opinion for banwagonesque, if you ask me.

Hum I pretty much agree but I'll moderate saying that my opinion for one "feminist" like you there's 10 "victiminists" who spend all their waking hours thinking about men's reactions/actions.