
While I'm not exactly a sexist beast, or at least tell myself I'm not (see well deserved comments on Soul Calibur ad campain), there is one thing I wonder.

I agree he's definitely an asshole, his miserable attempts of apologies pretty much proves he's foreign to it and barely sees anything wrong in what he did. He's just sorry about the consequences.

I don't think ALL of Soul Calibur was bad taste like that; definitely not my favourite part of it. But that's only personal taste, I'm not offended.

I think you are completely right to wonder if a new game would be relevant.

But more realistically: they would make him talk, pick a bad actor, make a bad scenario, infuriate everybody. Cynical much? Unfortunately I think that's way probable.

Oh damn, that was so sweet. And not in a perverted way for once.

Progress is not about adding D's (dimensions or bra size, both work).

Quick repetitive reminder that the quest against piracy isn't about saving companies and artists from bankruptcy, it's about companies doing their best to have an absolute control over the way you enjoy your media.

Damn you, misleading title!

I'll be silly and say how lucky that the auction ended up exactly on the gun's worth! ;p

To be fair even with a practical mind you have to accept that science is about knowing, and the applications will often be unsuspected, as history shows. Science driven by a need to produce is not good science, and therefore counter-productive.

Not sure I understood how exactly it is supposed to be used, but either I'll just remind that applying actual ice on burns will likely make things worse. To cool off is good, but ice "burns".

Look for Total Eclipse of The Heart (Literal Video Version) online (not youtube), the similarity with the picture here (and the clip!!!) is quite funny.

Is there ONE explanation for pretending piracy is killing games, and yet games still getting bigger and selling shitloads and making millions, indie devs achieving more and more awesome games?

I'm not an all anti-piracy person at all, but apparently Spotify isn't quite the solution as it gives terribly small money to the artists (sorry for the lack of source). STILL, if that makes so many people listen to music for small money that it starts being worth it for the creators, then I guess it's a win-win.

Not sure you were being serious but only making the kind of games that are "trendy" is actually what bores a lot of players.

Maybe one day games will be so popular and widespread that, like movies and music you'll get specially flavored magazines and reviews. Just think about reviews for gore movies, or metal music; 90% sure doesn't mean "appeals to everybody" there...

Damn, you're right. There should be 1h limited free accounts or something.

Wow dude you just got yourself the fury of self-righteous tru gamers.

Wow that was much analysis for some comment only aimed at trolling by throwing a couple "insults".