
Well some do get it... Might be in vain but I'd suggest Opeth, maybe Ghost Reveries.

They thought of doing that, but then studies showed them that it would be way more subtle for most people, they would feel cheated and hate the game anyways.

I'll answer, as if this comment hadn't troll written all over it.

From a classic French men (the kind somehow dreading "America, fuck yeah!" moments):

Bah sorry, I'm not in that kind of stuff; I just thought it sounded like what hipsters do listen to, these days.

Didn't like the soundtrack at all. I found the hispterish sound of it totally out of place, along with the 80's pink credits, the hell is up with that? Kinda feels like it's supposed to be ironic but I don't get it.

My bad then :)

Don't want to get into a huge conversation but I can't help feeling that teasing expansion even before the game is out is close to trolling... I don't mean to say what it's "fair" to include in the game, but it's a bit weird to know they're already ready to have you pay at least twice.

Nice! Now make a Lego clock IN MINECRAFT xD

#corrections Is "ouvre" supposed to be œuvre / oeuvre?

Hum ok, so let's do it that way. Keep enough people at Gamefly to keep it alive, not too much to make sure they can handle the shipping and stock!

VideoGamer: We don't really know what to say so we're just going to spoil a scene or two for you.

Well that was they can release director's cut in DLC and (almost) everybody is happy.

To me it's a matter of principle. I don't deny the urge of punishing or even killing people when they did terrible things. But if you justify death sentence for one case, then it's just a matter or arguing which case deserves it.

Ah Science... Call me snob but this kind of shit makes me sad.

I don't wanna talk to a scientist

I just had a dream of a team co-op adventure game inspire by Demon's Souls and based on Stephen King's Dark Tower, with huge lands and sudden deadly encounters. Could not help but share^^

You're PC for sexism (I'm actually wondering if all feminists would agree on that anyway), but not quite giving transgender the right to consider themselves women, huh?

Really depends what you are looking for. I'd agree there is more... "Interesting" and "good" (even more dodgy word) out there, but 10$ for action/laughs/big fps/nostalgia/omni(something, didn't find the word, but they did kinda try do to it all in this game), is what makes it worth, even though there's very great