
Ah... Again a very good occasion to see how people favor the corporation over the human.

Damn, is everybody going to be forced to concentrate on storylines, art, characters, gameplay, etc. then? Sounds terrible :)

Good on you sir, I check quite a bit of art and I'm not usually that much of a fanboy but I really dig this guy's stuff, the quality is incredible.


I'm no specialist (did play a little though) but there's one thing I'd like to say.

I feel like I just landed on twitter, I have no idea what's going on.

Yoshi's egg? I don't even know what this one is... I never got the chance to play the original metroid myself, though I reckon I didn't need their help for that, it's still an occasion... I was actually intending to replay the gba one though, and never played the mario vs DK or something.

If your preference is to write article about a date and talk shit about him, revealing your close-mindedness to a crowd that most likely will strongly dislike, then I suppose it's the crowd's preference to tell you back you're the ass of the story, no?

Congrats; color me jealous (and please without imagining me as a fat 30yo virgin, but I know you won't :p)

Lol I had to check out the end chapter again to believe it. The girl kinda feels she's being shallow so she concludes maybe I'm an asshole but the real big lesson is it's human nature to be. Hilarious.

Wow, thanks for comforting me in my opinion of girls on cupid, consumerist, demanding, shallow, close-minded, rude...

Fawkes is also just another mask for them too though :)

Heh it's even worse than that, dude. You're not even having a rant against humanity, you're pissed off at people that have stupid reactions... So it's like being upset cause stupid people are stupid :/

Heh, it's ironic fo'sure. Then when you consider companies own rights on whatever-the-fuck-you-can-buy these days, it's not that much of a shocking news anymore...

You could talk about consistency if one had written both article with the same standards. If it's just about writers contradicting themselves among the same blog... Still not that consistent, really.

True on many levels. But like you said it takes work.

Bah the good part of burning man is you can make it what you want, as long as you have any interest in some of what it's made of. I've only been once, don't think I'm the typical burner and what did I do (thanks for asking)?

How does body deodorant work, do you sniff it?

Way to say "I'm sorry" while you obviously aren't at all. People get pissed off at you because you ripped them from concurrent offer, and you apologies by slipping of your offers into the deal.

The future : less flexibility, more price. People will tell you what you want.