
I'm sorry but I will not provide this. Would AT&T find artificially slowing down intensive users morally wrong ? I'm a bit surprised, even working for them, you'd think they're incapable of such thing.

Maybe I haven't been clear enough. In both cases it was about unlimited users, using the services "too much", and I had to implement artificial delays to make their services worse so they would stop using them so much.

I'm sure every day of the year there is more than 90 "kids" murdered by guns everywhere, so meh. If anything it might be bad taste to talk about guns at all, but I won't censor.

I've worked in a few company for a few (quite various) products with phone carriers in the US and Australia, and twice they asked for worse quality for users who make the best out of their plans. AT&T was one of them.

Weeping angles sounds like a good Minecraft pun though ;)

Windows 3.1, 95, 2000, 7.... Their version sequences looks strangely similar to their progress bars ;)

And after "Only in Japan" and "Oh China!", here's "America! Fuck yeah!"

Looks comfy

Make your own Polish Metal. Now that would have been fun.

How about (oh boy I can already see myself getting flamed) blaming a bit the marketing guys for piracy.

It just looks for an uploaded picture of your dick.

Better than HD I'd love if they adapted the gameplay. I like those games but I don't think I can get over how stiff they are any more. Hell, even back then it was the reason I stopped playing them.

Ah ! Banksy must be thrilled being geolocalized in an iPhone app.


Oh god, am I really getting into a capital punishment argue here ?

Well I do agree with you, but I don't mind adding that the spreading of this "information" is absolutely not innocent. I'm sure we all realize that.

I got terribly annoyed at a kid ONLY mashing horizontal attack with Cassandra, it was surprisingly efficient.

That's actually because nobody has been proven right or wrong yet, than they argue, no ?

Hmm it's kinda "who started it" here, no ?

Is there a consensus on gawker to be trolls ? It would make sense actually, it's the Internets after all.