
I watched three episodes of Girls and couldn’t believe how much it lacked self unawareness. I kept waiting for the punch line— waiting for it to reveal itself as a parody of stereotypical Millenials, waiting for it to let me know it was in on the joke: Hannah is terrible! But I kept watching and came to the horrific

Oh, so we don’t have to fight stupid, victim-blaming, punching-down rape jokes in comedy anymore (and Lindy’s book comes to mind in doing its share of that work) because we’re “so strong” and “queens”? So victims (and any human being with a modicum of decency) don’t need to fight for the right to be viewed as humans?

I got in trouble for reading ahead ALL THE TIME. Solidarity.

I went to kindergarten knowing how to read, and it was in 1989 when HEAVEN FORBID THE CHILD NOT FOLLOW YOUR RIGID TEACHING PLAN. Very Scout Finch vs. Miss Caroline.

My 7th grade math teacher made me stand up in class (I had flunked a test) and shamed me for it in front of the whole class, and finished up by saying if she had a gun, she’d shoot me. If I came upon this woman starving in the street today, I’d curb-stomp her and laugh while I did it. Hope this baby girl is a nicer

Why be a teacher?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do something else if you hate children.

let me say it again:

Many of the moms in my neighborhood and daycare seem to only wear yoga/athleisure type clothing. For me, it projects - as you say - they are fit and healthy and exercising. As if they are attempting to justify not working with an impression of perpetual exercise. They look like they spent a lot of money to look like

So, I didn’t realize this article was based off another article (I glossed over the hyperlink). I went back up to read it and was like... is this satire? I know the poo one was satire, but wtf is this vomit? DO PEOPLE/MEN REALLY THINK LIKE THIS?! AM I ON A MRA WEBSITE?!?!

Can we extend this to reading books too? I’ll be sitting in the office break room at lunch reading and then coworkers walk by and get pissed that *I* didn’t say hello. Headphones/books/any day that ends in Y = LEAVE ME ALONE.

I dunno, single dudes going around handing out free sandwhiches to women with headphones on is somehow more creepy.

Uh gals, I don’t think you get it. There are real MEN who need dates and if you’re lucky enough to be considered attractive by them, you should feel honored to have your privacy disrupted.

Oh man, I wish we didn’t, but apparently a lot of women still do. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard someone say “I just think the man should make the first move” I could retire early. Also, dudes have brought this up to me when I talk about unsolicited attempts to talk to me by men I don’t know: “Well, how

I’m a guy. One semester in college I had a break in between classes that was not long enough to go back to my room or to one of the dining halls (which were at opposite ends of the campus, and not close to where my next class was) to eat lunch, but still long enough to have a nice relaxing lunch at the student union.

“She Left You and Got a Restraining Order, Now What?”

There are wild babies roaming Florida?

I fucking hate that original article so much. IF I HAVE HEADPHONES IN DO NOT TALK TO ME. It’s aggravating enough walking down the street in New York City and being a woman; headphones are basically my only recourse to drowning out weirdos and catcalls. Related: why, in 2016, do we still insist that men have to make

I work in the transportation industry. There are plenty of people who actually want to drive truck. It can pay quite decently and allow for a lot of autonomy.

Seriously? If you like to travel, and love to drive, truck driving is a great career! It takes skills and confidence, and pays much better than flipping burgers. Plus there’s no dress code, no office cubicles or politics, and nobody watching your every move while you work! I loved it- I made more money and had more

Is it weird that when I read your posts, it’s vin diesel’s voice in my head?