
The labor movement isn’t going to be saved by one person, no matter how photogenic she may be or how good her publicists are

Ninety four percent of American workers don’t have a union, and Nelson doesn’t have a serious plan to change that 

Diet soda tastes God awful!

If they could make it taste as good as real soda, sure!

His 12 year old daughter was on her way to get married?

True story - at the Port of Norfolk, in Virginia, there are no bathrooms for the longshoremen on the piers.

In old Tsarist Russia, when confronted by oppression, some of the more conservative peasants would say “If The Tsar Only Knew!”

I was with him til the crying about “exorbitant labor taxes”

Partly because of the bizarre wording - “labor taxes” are not a thing

I know somebody who’s bar went out of business because all his friends expected to eat and drink for free....and he let them

Not my problem

My problem is there is no knife and fork at my table

At a New York restaurant, the next table is literally one foot away - so yeah, I’m going to lean slightly over and grab a damned fork

Well, actually - I went to a Thai restaurant in Brooklyn the other day

I took a knife, fork and napkin from the next table because my table didn’t have any


I’d like to have it ready when my food gets there - and if it’s the next table over (and in NYC that’s literally a foot away from my table) and that table is empty, I’m grabbing it 

Salty is wrong

How about we  don’t?

Except it does.

Yes, lots of Latinos “identify as White”

Or, she can simply retract her book, ask her publishers to remove her book from circulation and stop impersonating a Latina. 

LOL at “working” royals!

Do any of them have an actual JOB?

Who gives a fuck?

I was a carpenter for a quarter century - so, replace bales of hay with 4' x 8' boards of sheetrock, or pieces of plate glass so heavy you needed three people to lift them, or desks - and yes, you do need breakfast if you’re going to do that for the next few hours 

Not everybody does breakfast like that.

How bout we cancel Dr Oz?