I’m a public employee in the biggest city in the US
I’m a public employee in the biggest city in the US
If you can afford a $250 SHOT of scotch, you can afford a $50 tip
Ante up, sunshine
So, have we officially hit rock bottom with really dumb questions here?
I don’t like either one of these people
Clarkson is an entitled douchebag
Thunberg is an example of everything that’s wrong with virtue signaling as politics
You have a great holiday too - enjoy the Chinese food!
It’s stuffing, and if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it - that much more left for me!
THIS is “dressing”
They are both forms of stuffing
Stove top is quicker and easier.
I have a job
I come home from work dog tired, and I want my food as fast as possible
If your grandmother has a problem with that, she’s welcome to come to my house and cook for me
It’s still STUFFING
Dressing is a liquid that you put on salad
Also...what’s wrong with stovetop stuffing?
It’s quick and easy to cook and tastes fucking awesome
No matter how you cook it, it’s still stuffing.
I never cook the stuffing inside the bird, I always make it as a side dish ...but it’s still stuffing
Stovetop is my go-to stuffing - because it’s quick, easy and idiot proof. I’m a terrible cook, I don’t like cooking, and after a long hard day at work I want my food FAST AND EASY - just boil the water and throw it in - DONE!
I never put it in a bird (because to be honest I haven’t cooked an entire turkey in at least…
So....it’s just really moist stuffing?
Also....just cause it isn’t in a bird, doesn’t mean it’s not stuffing - and lots of stuffing has crumbs instead of cubes - it’s still stuffing
Inside the bird or out....it’s still stuffing
Pretty much 100% of the time I make stuffing, it’s outside the bird - it’s still stuffing
Dressing is that liquid you put on salad
It’s the exact same thing
And here come the Musk stans…..
Who the hell would want to buy this abortion?
It’s stuffing
Some people insist on calling it dressing, but it’s stuffing
Actual Black person here
That’s stuffing
Not dressing (that’s what you put on salad, and it’s a liquid)
Also, regular stuffing > cornbread stuffing
So, even though Jamil is right, she shouldn’t criticize CupcakKe for her terrible diet advice, because the latter is African American?
Uh huh
I guess that’s the logical result of Identity Politics/Oppression Olympics thinking
Also, when did we stop saying Black people and start talking about “The Black Body”? That…
Look, some of us are actually happy to be alive and to celebrate another year - life is too short to be a miserable asshole every day.
That’s why some of us like to celebrate life’s little victories.
Don’t like it?
Take a long walk off a short pier, sourpuss