
Getting lightly sprayed with road salt =/= being immersed in salt water on the high seas 

Better safe than sorry

Does Rosario Dawson still have to pretend to be his girlfriend?

Also...has anyone asked T Bone what he thinks about this?

Listening to music =/= being drunk at work

Try again, Matlock 

Like a lot of non New Yorkers, you’re assuming that the only choices are personal transportation - cars or bikes.

Ninety percent of New Yorkers use public transit

Only .08% of New Yorkers use bikes

32bj is very good at funneling money into Wall Street’s Democratic Party, and providing the manpower for astroturf protests in favor of real estate development.

On the ground, as a union, fighting for workers and leading struggles against the employers at the workplace....not so much.

That’s some very long winded respectability politics bullshit 

There’s nothing “stupid” about putting a break on predatory landlord profiteering

YIMBYism won’t solve the housing crisis, because developers left to their own devices will only build housing for the affluent

We need public housing built and owned by the government to provide for the housing needs of the working class

Biking is wildly impracical for most people - I really don’t know why they keep trying to make bicycles a thing

That douche Bloomberg crammed bike lanes down New Yorkers throats but only a handful hipster transplants use them - if it was up to New Yorkers, we’d rip all those lanes out

People can’t take mass transit where it doesn’t exist. I commute by subway every day because I live in a city where mass transit exists and where the city was built around it’s transit system. If I lived in Houston or Atlanta I’d have to have a car 

As for biking, not everybody lives close to their job, also not

Why the hell did the WFP - a supposed labor party - turn against the most pro labor candidate running for president?

That’s the real question here

Union activist here - and somebody who’s actually been on workers comp

Nobody ever asks if the music was playing when you got hurt - at least not in New York State

Second, lots of people listen to music at work - especially blue collar workers with very hard jobs (I’m one of those people)

So....calm the fuck down - a

So, the actual African Americans and Latinos you work with aren’t offended by the music... but you want to play White saviour on their behalf?

Suggestion - since your job depends on a good relationship with your back of the house colleagues.... just put your guilty White liberalism on the shelf during working hours 

First of all, I was born in 1968, so not a “boomer” “

In any case that whole category is bullshit - since it includes billionaires and beggars, and the vast majority of “boomers” are working class or poor people just like you and I, with no social power

My brother who lives in a homeless shelter is a “boomer”

So’s my

So...banning an unhealthy product is a BAD thing?

Who knew?

Any government that taxed the rich in a serious and difficult to evade way would soon run into heavy resistance from the financiers and industrialists, down to and including capital strikes and capital flight.

It would be hard to imagine any current elected officials in this country  - including Sanders and The Squad

It’s still not relevant to my point.

I’m saying that Sanders is pro union and pro worker

You’re saying he had protesters at a non union non worker related event arrested.

Those two things have nothing to do with each other

We need more than minor improvements in the tax code

I’d start with repealing Taft Hartley 

I said he’s strong on labor issues

Was that a union protest?

Labor getting stronger is going to be a lot more useful in fighting inequality than technical changes in the tax code.

Rich people and their accountants and tax lawyers can easily evade the latter - but when you have powerful unions carrying out lots of strikes, it gives the rich very little  room to maneuver