
Oh yes, I’m sure racism is part of the motivation

I’m far from vegan, and I hate the idea of fake meat made in a lab

I want my meat from a real animal, that lived and breathed and some guy with a knife killed it.

Also, the vast majority of vegans are just....people that don’t eat meat, and don't bother anybody

Every group has it’s vocal assholes

I’m pretty sure that Amazon and gentrifiying real estate developers are the ones who fucked your city over, bro

*** soda***

Her pretext for harassing her neighbor may have been her veganism, but this is a type of person who harasses their neighbor relentlessly over bullshit

People like that are the scourge of the 311 system 

The real issue with the male birth control pill many men will lie and claim to be on the pill, just so they don’t have to use condoms? sounds like the immigration agents did their job - they found posts on this guy’s social media that stated that he planned to overstay his visa and work in violation of his non work tourist visa, and they found other suspicious content, and they acted accordingly.

I don’t see the problem

International travel and

Sounds like a permissive parenting issue

Tell the kid “eat what’s in front of you or go hungry” is the cure

You’re the PARENT - act like it!

You aren’t the kid’s are their boss.

You make the rules - and punish the kid if they don’t follow them

So...the letter writer didn’t understand that restaurant “specials” are a sales gimmick?

Well....isn’t Jezebel a shitty gossip rag tho?

I was a construction worker for 24 years - getting fired was a regular event (even on union jobs you could get fired at any time for any reason or no reason at all - and when the job is done you get fired anyway, even if they like you)

So I had my “life ruined” about 150 times 

The Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (as amended) - the main private sector federal labor law - does not apply to public employees.

Neither did it’s predecessor, the National Labor Relations Act of 1935.

Public employees, domestic servants, farm laborers, managers, confidential employees, military personnel and a

FYI - teachers strikes are illegal in New York State too, as are all other public employee strikes here

Fun fact - teachers strikes are illegal in New York State too

It’s called the Taylor Law, and it applies to every public employee in the state (including me)

If you go on strike, you get fined two days pay for every day on strike, plus additional fines, plus the leaders of the union can go to jail for contempt of

I live in New York City, where the speed limit is 25 MPH, so yeah....I’m OK with rolling back 65MPH

Also gun control

I guess it’s time for THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS?

Wah wah wah!

Are Uber and Lyft paying you to lick their boots?

These are businesses that depend on labor to make their companies operate

They should pay those workers appropriately.

Lots of people have 30 minute lunch breaks (I’m one of those people) so it seems the right amount of time to me

They should be

That’s actually the norm in New York City - lots of McDonald’s have a time limit, so people don’t monopolize the seats

The McDonald’s that don’t....often have a serious “camping” problem - often it’ll be retirees with nothing to do all day, so they’ll just buy a cup of coffee and camp out all day